I have always started class with music playing. As students walk in and get ready, while I’m taking attendance, music is playing. Before AI generated music, I played classical music, first from my CD collection and then from long YouTube Classical Music videos. Another way we have traditionally used music in my classes for media …
Category: Tech Integration
These are blogs I've written about integrating technology into my Science classes.
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2025/01/21/new-music-by-ai/
Oct 23
Regular Reflection with MirrorTalk AI
MirrorTalk AI, made by Swivl, has an amazing system built for consistent and regular reflection for both students and staff. When I first saw the app I was intrigued because it offered something no other EdTech tool or AI tool offered, a way for all kids to reflect and reflect quickly and easily on a …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2024/10/23/regular-reflection-with-mirrortalk-ai/
Oct 11
Student Profile Cards From Actual Data
Five Student Profile Types of My Current Classes Generating the Profile Types Above Our district is having a few of us teachers, a principal, and our IT Director work with UnconstrainEd to learn how to leverage AI to work with student data. I have not done a lot with actual student data so this has …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2024/10/11/student-profile-cards-from-actual-data/
Jul 23
School AI and Magic Student – Wow!
Now that Magic School has a way for teachers to create chatbots for students like School AI I would love to choose the better one and use that one in the coming school year but I can’t. They are both that good! In the last several weeks of school, of the 23-24 school year, I …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2024/07/23/school-ai-and-magic-student-wow/
Feb 23
School AI is Absolutely Amazing – Rises to Top of My List
I started this school year with parent permission to use Bing Chat (now Copilot) with my 5th and 6th graders because being under 13 years of age they cannot access tools such at ChatGPT or Quillbot, which can be used with students ages 13 to 18 with parent permission (the then Google Bard, now Google …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2024/02/23/school-ai-is-absolutely-amazing-rises-to-top-of-my-list/
Dec 28
AI Detection or AI Proofing?
In a recent post by Larry Ferlazzo, Yet Another Nail-In-The-Coffin of AI Writing Detectors, he offers even more evidence dispelling the myth that AI detection software work. Even if AI detection can sometimes correctly identify whether or not a human wrote a piece of writing, they are so often wrong that they cannot be trusted. …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2023/12/28/ai-detection-or-ai-proofing/
Dec 28
I’m Presenting at #NCCE24!
Tammie Schrader, with whom I’ve been co-presenting for many years now, and I submitted four proposals to the upcoming 2024 NCCE Conference, the Northwest USA’s premier educational technology conference and we got three of our proposals accepted! There is still time to register so click the image or link above to secure your spot. Click …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2023/12/28/im-presenting-at-ncce24/
Dec 28
WEA’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education Workshop Series
The Washington Education Association (WEA) is hosting an AI training for educators starting February 2024! This workshop series is open to anyone and if you are a certified teacher in WA state you will earn 15 STEM clock hours for attending all five two-hour sessions and for completing five hours of exploration of AI tools, …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2023/12/28/weas-artificial-intelligence-ai-in-education-workshop-series/
Dec 24
More AI Tools for Math Support for Students
I have been looking for tools that my students can use in class if they need help with Math. I’m especially hoping AI tools can help students when I am busy with another student or working with a small group of students and their peers are busy working on different tasks. Sometimes teammates are helpful …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2023/12/24/more-ai-tools-for-math-support-for-students/
Dec 24
More AI Tools for Kids Under 13
Since my last post sharing AI tools that teachers of students under 13 years of age can use with their students, I’ve found some more tools that we can use with our students! Once you’ve established a class AI policy then kids are ready to go and begin practicing. After finding out about CodeBreaker’s Byte …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2023/12/24/more-ai-tools-for-kids-under-13/