Category: Tech Integration

These are blogs I've written about integrating technology into my Science classes.

Older iMacs

Back in 1998 my school put the first model of iMac in my classroom, the Bondi iMac pictured on the left. I rotated groups of students through the Bondi iMac as they created websites using HTML as part of the projects they were working on at the time. We’ve come a long way since the …

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Our middle school is on Year 2 of our work with a WA STEM PD project. Here’s a video I put together to share the major highlights of our work with WA STEM: In the video I share some resources that we’ve been using for our PLC work. The WA STEM PD project was inspired …

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Presenting at NCCE 2016!

I’ve been fortunate to, after years of following people on Twitter who got to attend cool conferences and meet face-to-face with virtual friends, to have been able to go to the Northwest Council for Computer Education (NCCE) for the past two years at Seattle and Portland! So last spring, I took a risk. I was …

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Live Coaching PD

As a WA STEM PD school on year 2 of our grant work, we get to use an IrisConnect LiveView camera. What we’ve learned from WA STEM research is that WA state teachers want effective Professional Development (PD) that includes observing models of instruction, having time to practice and reflect, get peer coaching, and receive …

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Student Tech Support #edtech

I’ve been working on my school district’s tech committee since I started working at Chimacum in 1997. Our most recent district tech plan included a plan for moving our middle school to a 1:1 model. The plan required pretty substantial funding, the likes of a Tech Levy or a portion of a Capital Levy or …

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Multiple GAFE Accounts, Shared Devices?

In my classroom students have iPads, Samsung Galaxy Tabs, Netbooks, Chromebooks, Laptops, or iMac desktop computers to choose from to do work that requires technology. Some of my devices are old enough that they are glitchy at best and downright frustrating to do anything other than surfing the net. We had some troubles when first …

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Working in Isolation

I’ve been meaning to write this blog post reflecting on a wonderful STEM summit I attended on Dec 1st, the WA STEM Summit 2015. I was wondering which takeaway I wanted to share the most or what I was going to write about the takeaways. And I will, but this blog post is about the …

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Android Tablet Accessing GAFE Tools

When I received a couple of Samsung Galaxy Tablets running the Android OS I created a teacher account to buy and download apps for the devices. I then added student user accounts so that kids would not have access to my account, especially my credit card. In order to do that I made the student …

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Problems with Tech – Google Classroom with Older Devices

When I first got a bunch of iPads, the first generation ones, and kids started using them, it was great. I slowly but surely built up to a 1:1 and I’m used to it now. As the iPads have gotten older I’ve been slowly but surely working to replace them with technology that can meet …

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WordPress Troubles, Again

[A comment was left on this post wondering if asking Bluehost, where my webpages and WordPress database are housed, if they could solve the problem. So I submitted a help ticket. One of the Bluehost database support dug around for and found the problem! He said that he had to repair the .htaccess files. Doing …

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