Math for All

Do you like math? If not, why not? Do you think that you are good at math? Can all kids learn math? Is what we’re doing in school math? If you’ve ever had these questions or know people who hate math or feel that they can’t do math then this Standford U free online course …

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Almost Ready for Fall #3dgamelab

I’ve been obsessed with preparing a new method of gamifying my classes for the upcoming school year this Fall. I’ve written a bunch of posts sharing my journey to make a Results Only Learning Environment (ROLE) classroom that runs like a real life computer game using the 3D GameLab (3DGL) interface. I added more quests …

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8th Grade Year Plan

After planning possible 6th grade activities, I put them into the 3D GameLab (3DGL) interface ready for kids to Beta test in the fall. So far I have 73 quests in several different chains with room for some student choice. The benefit of having no grades is that kids can really pick and choose what …

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Machinima #3dgamelab

What is machinima? It’s defined as, “the use of real-time computer graphics engines to create a cinematic production. Most often, video games are used to generate the computer animation.” (Wikipedia) In other words you use some kind of screen capture to make a video of you playing a game. You use that video to share …

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Game Addiction #3dgamelab

I have experienced video game addiction. When I first played World of Warcraft (WoW) I was addicted. I was addicted to leveling up and to gaining the next best skill, attribute or ability. With other games if there cheats I would use them. I had to level up, get to the top level and win. …

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Badges, Do We Need Them? #3dgamelab

Not sure, jury’s still out on that one for me. In my brief, 22 year career, I’ve tried incentives such as grades, stickers, beans in a jar, lotto tickets, class money, awards all the way to abolishing all of those, even the grades. The change to no rewards and punishments worked, but not as well …

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Whole Class vs Individual vs Small Group #3dgamelab

In both my reading of ROLE Reversal and learning how to use the 3D GameLab interface to gamify my classes the concept of student autonomy and choice is very important to create a student-centered experience. Kids need multiple pathways for learning and for demonstrating their learning. That needs to be balanced by the need for …

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Rewards and Gaming #3dgamelab

The idea of badges and achievements in gaming is a problem for teachers who have abolished extrinsic motivators in their classrooms. In 3DGL there is a Badges section, an Achievements section and an Awards section. I’m really conflicted by the awards section because it’s more like rewards than badges and achievements in my eyes. I …

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Elements that Make Games Motivating #3dgamelab

My Glog:

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Make Lessons Attractive #3dgamelab

Make my lessons attractive? I guess that’s something we as teachers are trying, or should be trying, to do for our students. If anything I’ve learned that not all kids are intrinsically motivated to learn the Science I’m teaching. Or they don’t like school and have been trained to become passive in school. Either way, …

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