As the Washington State Legislature continues to meet to decide the fate of our state many educators are writing emails and making phone calls urging legislators to make the best decisions for our kids. Maren Johnson, a high school Science teacher in my district, has been taking the lead in communicating with our legislature to …
Tag: Al GonzáLez
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Dec 18
WA STEM Grant Proposal
My awesome PLC has accepted the challenge of social networking. I shared the WA STEM grant idea and they all jumped on board. So I wrote a proposal and sent it in! I sure hope we get the grant because I think it’s a great project for us to work on. (If you want to …
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Oct 06
1st Email to Parents
[I sent this email yesterday to all the parents on of my current students, well all the parents whose email I have.] Hello Students and Families, You are getting this email because you have a child who has me for either 6th grade Science, 8th grade Science or Eagle Time or a combination of those. …
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Sep 06
Welcome to Mr. González’s Class!
Can you believe that school has started! Today is our first day back to school and I’m very excited for this brand new school year. I have the great pleasure of getting to work with every 6th grader as they enter middle school for the first time. I’m also very fortunate to get to work …
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May 13
Odssey 2010
We are almost ready for our week-long field trip to gorgeous Lake Crescent for the 8th grade Olympic Odyssey! In case your child has lost or misplaced some of the most recent paperwork here is a link to a copy of the packing list: Odyssey2010FinalRemindLetter And here is a link to the Final Reminder letter …
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May 03
Last Midterm of 09-10
Progress reports are ready so visit this page in case your child didn’t bring home the paper copy I handed out. Students have been learning some great Science and they haven’t had to worry about grades, passing or flunking. Let me know what you think. If you haven’t had a chance yet, take the short …
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Apr 07
My Recent Readings…
I found this blog post by a teacher who is also trying to find ways to assess students better than traditional grading. This teacher from Alberta, Canada, has been blogging about topics such as grading and student assessment for a while now. Here are a collection of his blogs on these subjects. Etta Kralovec on …
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