Tag: Education

Outdoor Education During a Pandemic

The first week of school I sent home all my Ocean Guardian School project information, permission slips, and photo release forms. Once I got all the permission slips, which I had to have them all because I could not send kids anywhere while the rest of us left the room, I was able to start …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2020/12/28/outdoor-education-during-a-pandemic/

Game-Based Learning Planning #gbl

In my last post, I reflected on my course gamification efforts so far this year. In this post, I will share my game-based learning (GBL) plans. Ever Since I started gamifying my classes I knew that the real power of engagement wasn’t in making my normal course more game-like only, but in having kids play …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2020/02/20/game-based-learning-planning-gbl/

Esports and Minecraft Bring Kids in the UK Together with Kids in Chimacum, WA

We’ll be live-streaming a game on Friday, Feb 21, 2020, starting around 7:30 am on Mr. Gonzalez’s Twitch account. Tune in if you can, otherwise we’ll share the broadcast on Mr. G’s Youtube Channel. [Note: Click on any image to see it full size.] Within the red circle in the above map is an area …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2020/02/15/esports-and-minecraft-bring-kids-in-the-uk-together-with-kids-in-chimacum-wa/

Beyond Tree Planting

When I first started working at Chimacum Middle School I noticed that Chimacum Creek ran right by the main campus. As a matter of fact, there was an old fish hatchery that hadn’t been used in years on school property. Turns out it had been used by high school students years before I started working …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2018/05/30/beyond-tree-planting/

Success Secrets

If you subscribe to Dan Pink’s email updates, his From the Desk on Daniel Pink, then you came across this Jeff Bezos memo that Dan shared on May 15. (Jeff Bezos is the founder, chairman, and CEO of Amazon in case you didn’t know.) I agreed with Dan that Jeff’s memo was totally worth reading. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2018/05/29/success-secrets/

Our School’s March 14 Walkout

On March 14, 2018, Chimacum Middle School students gathered by the track in honor of the 17 people who died in the Parkland, FL shootings. It was amazingly well organized and students were attentive and open to listen. Not all students chose to come out. It was by choice yet most of the middle school …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2018/03/25/our-schools-march-14-walkout/

Blended or Hybrid Learning Infographic

University of Cincinnati

Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2017/08/25/blended-or-hybrid-learning-infographic/

My Favorite Education Podcasts

Do you listen to educational podcasts? If you do, see if you listen to the same ones I listen to, and if you don’t, then try some or all of the ones I’m sharing here. The BAM Radio Network is just awesome and here are my go to podcasts:   Vicki Davis, The Cool Cat …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2017/07/29/my-favorite-education-podcasts/

Goodbye to my iMacs

Our iMac

Back in 2011 I wrote a blog post about going full circle, kind of, from integrating technology by having students work 1:1 student to computer in a computer lab to having computers in my classroom. In the classroom I started with one computer for all students to use, then I upgraded to a 1:4 student …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2017/07/13/goodbye-to-my-imacs/

How to End the School Year Strong!

I was so happy to be asked by Larry Ferlazzo to be his Q and A BAM Radio show again! This time we tackled the topic of how to end a school year! I got to be on the show with Pernille Ripp, a teacher I’ve been learning from for years on Twitter and on …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2017/04/19/how-to-end-the-school-year-strong/

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