Tag: stem

Black Panther Movie Engineering Quote

I finally got to see Black Panther! And I’m so glad I went. It was GREAT! So well done and the movie did a fantastic job of bringing the Black Panther characters to life. I’ve been a fan of the Black Panther superhero since I was reading comics growing up. After watching the movie I …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2018/03/08/black-panther-movie-engineering-quote/

STEM Robotics with Faraday

The culminating lesson of the first STEM Robotics 101 unit was quite enjoyable for me and for my students. This post will show how that engineering challenge aligned to the engineering standards. The Next Generation Science Standard (NGSS) for Engineering, MS-ETS1 – Engineering Design, has four performance expectations for students (read this post to see …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2017/11/21/stem-robotics-with-faraday/

The DOING of Science

This post was originally published at CORELaborate! I participated in a webinar recently as part of my work with the Olympic STEM Pathways Partnership or OSPP. We focused on the dimension of the Next Generation Science Standards or NGSS known as the Science and Engineering Practices or SEPs. One of the things we discussed is …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2017/09/26/the-doing-of-science/

We Are Ocean Guardians!

Well, more like Watershed Guardians. Last year I found out about this NOAA project called Ocean Guardian School. When I read the description I knew Chimacum Middle School had to apply to be an Ocean Guardian School! Our Environmental Stewardship Project was perfect! Even though we focus mostly on our neighborhood creek, Ocean Guardian Schools …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2017/07/15/we-are-ocean-guardians/

Adopting a New Curriculum

This post was originally published at the WA CORELaborate website.   May 24 our Science Subject Area Committee (SAC) presented our plans for a new Science Curriculum Adoption. This is the third adoption in which I’ve played a role in the 20 years I’ve worked at Chimacum Middle School. I played a much bigger role …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2017/06/27/adopting-a-new-curriculum/

What About Robotics?

Originally published on the CORELaborate blog!   Earlier this school year I volunteered to be part of our district’s Science Subject Area Committee (SAC) to come up with recommendations to the school board for a grades 6 through 12 Science adoption of new NGSS curriculum. The team was made up of two high school Science …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2017/05/24/what-about-robotics/

A Stewardship STEM Project

Chimacum Middle School 6th graders have been monitoring our neighborhood creek, Chimacum Creek, for the past 15 years! When asked to to develop an integrated STEM unit this year for our 6th graders I went to my fellow 6th grade teachers, the Humanities teacher, Ms. Langston, and the Math teacher, Mr. Meacham, and asked them …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2017/03/28/a-stewardship-stem-project/

My #NCCE17 Takeaways!

This is my 4th straight year of getting to attend the Northwest Council for Computer Education or NCCE’s three-day conference (although last year I was only able to attend for one day)! This year it was in Portland, OR. NCCE goes back and forth between Seattle and Portland and this year it was Portland’s turn …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2017/03/27/my-ncce17-takeaways/

WA STEM Interview!

Thanks to my work with the Olympic STEM Pathways Partnership (OSPP), I was interviewed by WA STEM! They wrote a blog post about the work I am doing with my 6th grade Science students! Click on the graphic below to read it! What an honor! Thanks, OSPP and WA STEM! 🙂

Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2017/03/13/wa-stem-interview/

WA STEM Summit 2016 #waSTEMsummit

Had a great day at the 2016 WA STEM Summit in Redmond, WA, at the Microsoft Conference Center! I put together my Tweets from the day along with a small assortment of the many Tweets that flowed! We started the day with an amazing breakfast and some great speakers (Tweets from the morning are at …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2016/11/30/wa-stem-summit-2016-wastemsummit/

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