Chimacum Middle School's
Water Quality Study
Chimacum Creek(click here)
  1. We began by collecting samples of Chimacum Creek's water and soil. (December - mouth of the Creek, March - Creek running through HJ Carroll Park).
  2. We conducted the following tests:
    1. Dissolved oxygen (two kits and an Imagiprobe) in the water,
    2. Nitrates and Phosphates in the water,
    3. Silica in the water,
    4. Carbon Dioxide in the water,
    5. The water's pH level (kit and Imagiprobe),
    6. The water's hardness,
    7. Water's turbidity (Imagiprobe),
    8. Creek's flow rate (Imagiprobe),
    9. Water's Temperature (Imagiprobe),
    10. Fecal Coliform Bacteria presence in the water,
    11. Nitrogen level in the soil,
    12. Phosphorus level in the soil,
    13. Potassium in the soil, and
    14. Soil's pH level.
  3. Now it's time to research your area of expertise to share your results.
    1. Start by reading the little books on Water Quality and Soil that Mr. González assigned. Take notes on anything pertinent. (Each person in the group will need to take their own notes for a grade.)
    2. Then read Ch 12, p. 394 to p. 403 and p. 411 to 418 for water information; Ch 7, p. 212 to p. 227 for soil information. Survey the headings to find information that you need to take notes on. (Each person in the group will need to take their own notes for a grade.)
    3. When Mr. González teaches the class searching techniques and tips, then you may begin looking through the sites he found as well as searching for your own to add to your notes. (You are doing this because your book will not have everything you need.)
  4. Once your notes are all done, begin storyboarding your website.
    1. Design your website, which includes background color, font color, and where you will want pictures. (The entire team submits one storyboard so make sure that everyone participates.)
    2. Refer to the Water Quality Project page that tells you what you need on the website and check the rubric.
    3. Don't forget to save information for the bibliography.
  5. Start creating your website once Mr. González has taught you how to begin.

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