
Mr. G SimpsonizedIn 6th grade Science we are almost done with our water quality websites! Monday, Feb 11, Alicia from North Olympic Salmon Coalition will join us to discuss our B-IBI results from October. Then Tuesday the 12 is the last day for kids to make any changes or updates to their websites before they are uploaded. They should be ready to view by Wednesday, Feb 13. Just go to our water quality links page. Thursday is the Ballard Locks field trip so it won’t be until Friday, Feb 15, that we will start our new unit on Energy, Machines, and Motion!

In 7th grade we are taking time to do a bit of organizing of new notebooks as kids score their last few assignments. Students are using a Lab Write-Up Rubric to score their osmosis labs and together we will score the cells drawings and definitions as well as the mitosis drawings and descriptions. Then we will be ready to start meiosis. Monday, Feb 11, I will be passing out reminders to students for making up their missing work. I’ve been giving students progress reports and posting grades to my online progress reports website but they still don’t make up missing work. So if a student is missing or needs to redo his or her Plant Webquest or Osmosis Lab he or she got the Osmosis Lab and Plant Webquest Make-Up Sheet sheet. If a student is missing some of his or her blogging then he or she got the Blogging Catch Up Reminder Sheet sheet. If a student needs to make up his or her biology quiz or cells quiz then he or she got the Biology Quiz and Cells Quiz Make-up sheet sheet. Please ask your child if he or she got any of the above sheets because they explain what to do to raise their grades and require that you, the parent, sign the sheet.

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