
M&M AvatarHope everyone is having a great holiday season and a wonderful New Year. Sixth graders are working on their water quality project and teams are at different stages in the process (see my homework section). Because of that I have no grades so far this trimester. I will try to get teams far enough along that I can grade something but after Winter Break I need to get teams started on creating PowerPoint presentations to share what they’ve learned with each other. If we can these completed by midterm then I’ll have midterm grades. Stay tuned.

Eighth graders have been busy and I am working on catching up and getting their work graded. I’ve got grades posted online for those who are checking and don’t want to wait until Monday, 1/5. I’ll also send home a paper copy with your child on Monday if you can’t get online. Please sign the progress reports so your child can get some extra credit points. Check my homework section to know what’s going on.

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