It’s that time of year again. Where people look back and reflect on their top posts. I was reading Pernille Ripp’s top blog post and she made a great point. Instead of listing the posts that got the most hits list the ones that mean the most to you! I love it. And actually I had to do that last year because the ones that got the most hits didn’t include some that really meant a lot to me. So here it goes, my faves of 2011! [Posts are not in order of preference, that would have been too hard, so I just put them here in chronological order from Jan 2011 to Dec 2011.]
- Awards, Grades, and Competition My compilation of what I’ve been reading and learning about somethings that I’ve never felt comfortable with in education. Now I have the words and background to challenge these traditions.
- What Does Good Teaching Look Like? I set up a Google Doc that is still active with some great ideas for what good teaching should be. It helps me a lot as I refer to it and make sure I’m using as many strategies as I can when they are appropriate.
- We Are the Change We Need An epiphany for me. That all the education reform that we are calling for WE ALREADY ARE! We are doing the work that needs to be done to make education what it needs to be for our children.
- Giving Feedback An idea I used to give students feedback on an assessment without using grades, marks, or percentages of any kind. This year I used that idea without paper! 1:1 baby!
- What is On-Task? A kind of rant and reflection on what I struggle with everyday with students. I want to do what it takes to get my kids motivated to learn but often it’s difficult to figure out what that is without letting kids just play games and goof off.
- Love Learning I was inspired by an activity we did at a faculty meeting and I wrote this blog to share what means most to me in my teaching.
- Applications of Formative Assessment One of my blog posts on the AfL strategies I’ve been learning. It’s a work in progress and the comments were very helpful.
- New Bloggers and Twitterers I wrote this post to share the members of my PLC that have ventured into the world of blogging and Tweeting. In light of all the discussion over the Edublog Awards having people follow and share the work of these people would be so helpful in getting off to a good start and to see the power of the PLN.
- In My Humble Opinion A response blog post to an article in the paper. The article was showing off a school that was using very questionable techniques so I tried to challenge those as not the best way of educating children.
- How Much Socializing Can You Put Up With? I created a Google Form to collect data on how much socializing different educators feel comfortable with in their classes. This is a similar issue to my on task dilemma.
- iPads in Science 2 The follow-up, one year later, post about using iPads in my Science classes. It’s been so awesome!
I’m sorry I just had to have a bonus one. I wrote this blog to show some of my most successful grant proposals to help those interested in writing grants. Sample Grant Proposal