Alfonso Gonzalez

I teach 5th and 6th grade STEM in the lovely Pacific Northwest in a small, rural town called Chimacum. My goal is to help students discover that all learning is life-long and that 21st century tools can be used for work as well as fun.

Most commented posts

  1. iPads in Science — 22 comments
  2. Awards, Grades and Competition — 18 comments
  3. My ClamCase Experience — 15 comments
  4. Innovative Schooling? — 10 comments
  5. What is On-Task? — 10 comments

Author's posts

Online Progress Reports

Please check my online progress reports for my Science classes. Select your child’s class, type your child’s last name, then use your Skyward Family Access password to see your child’s Science progress report. On Skyward I will only be posting midterm and final grades so the progress report will have all the details to help …

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Another Midterm!

The midterm for the second trimester is almost upon us! Tuesday, January 29, is the official midterm day. Please see my last few entries for all the details needed to ensure your child has the best grade possible for midterm. It will also help you ask better questions at the student-led conferences coming up in …

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Another Progress Report!

Yes! I printed out another updated progress report so that all students can have great midterm grades in Science. I gave every class ideas on how to make up work, redo work, or do extra credit so there can be no excuses for low midterm grades. And this after asking students to make work up …

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Missing Work?

If students are still missing assignments that have been due since the end of the first trimester I handed out progress reports today, on the last of 2007 for us, so that students can use their two-week Winter Break to get caught up and bring their grades up in Science. For 6th graders it’s the …

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Second Trimester

Help your child get off to a great start in Science for the Second Trimester. If your child is in my 6th grade Science class, last Monday, Nov 26, was the deadline for teams to work on their Salmon Life Cycle Webquest. If students did not finish then they have homework. That webquest is their …

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Science Grades

Parents can check Science grades through Skyward’s Family Access as I have finished updating them. Otherwise I will give all students a paper copy of their progress reports Monday, Nov 26. Students can show those to me signed by a parent for an extra two points. I will give them back. Sixth and 7th grade …

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Last Day of Trimester Nov 29

As the end of the Trimester approaches all 6th graders are done testing all seven Hood Canal sites. Sixth graders are busy conducting research to learn about their water quality jobs and about salmon life cycle and more about pollution. After Thanksgiving they will start putting together PowerPoint presentations to teach their classmates what they’ve …

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Hood Canal Testing

This week 6th graders will conduct their water quality tests on seven sites along both sides of the Hood Canal. My 1st period class will be going to the Dosewallips River, the Duckabush River and Triton Cove Beach on Wednesday, Nov 7. My 2nd period class will be going to the Dewatto River and Belfair …

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Field Trips!

The 7th grade field trip was great! Thank goodness we got two beautiful Fridays in a row. My 7th grade Science classes are getting close to completing their field guide websites. Look here for when they go live! Also make sure your child shows you my blogging permission slip (see my homework page, week 9 …

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Chimacum Creek Testing Begins!

Monday, Oct 22, sixth grade classes will begin conducting their water quality testing on Chimacum Creek. We will go down to the creek early in the period, after some preparation, where the groups that use probes will do their testing. The groups that use kits will collect water samples and then wait to return to …

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