Category: Assessment

These are my blogs that have to do with assessment in education.

School Accountability

Public schools exist to ensure that everyone has an opportunity for an education. An education is supposed to be the equalizer that prepares everyone to achieve their American Dream. Whether your dream is to open your own business,  be a doctor, a lawyer, a football star, a baseball star, an actor, a famous musician, or …

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My Fave 11 of 2011

It’s that time of year again. Where people look back and reflect on their top posts. I was reading Pernille Ripp’s top blog post and she made a great point. Instead of listing the posts that got the most hits list the ones that mean the most to you! I love it. And actually I …

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Talk Moves Poster

Through my work with the Olympic Math and Science Partnership (OMSP) I have been learning a lot about the formative process. One aspect of formative assessment or assessment for learning that is of extra interest to me has been questioning. Questioning used to be one of the five key strategies of assessment for learning but …

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Guest Post: Reforming NCLB

This post was written by Elaine Hirsch. In 2001 the Bush administration implemented the No Child Left Behind Act. This law aimed to overhaul the American education system by enacting strict guidelines and standards. In order to receive federal dollars, every school has been required to met proficiency benchmarks. This law was never intended to …

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Innovative Schooling?

I hear a lot, or rather read a lot, about changing the way we “school” our children. I hear ideas about not sorting kids by age, not being driven by bells and schedules, and about not controlling or making kids conform to traditional school rules. I have trouble wrapping my brain around ideas that are …

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RSCON3 Was Sooooo Cool!

For me it’s the middle of summer (a little past middle so middle-ish). How cool is it in the middle-ish of summer to get to choose from a bunch of great sessions taught by incredible people from whom I learn so much? Very cool. How cool is it to do that online, without having to …

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In My Humble Opinion

Face to face conversations with my next door teaching neighbor about going gradeless and helping students learn without worrying about covering enough curriculum to pass a standardized test has been helpful for me. I get to think deeply about my beliefs about how I think students learn best and about accountability and if I’m doing …

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Reform Symposium Presentation on Student Blogging!

Saturday, July 30 at 1:30pm PDT (UTC -7) I had the great honor to be able to share something I’ve been enjoying doing for years, having my students blog! Educators from all over the world convened at this year’s Reform Symposium, RSCON3, and my presentation was Student Blogging for Reflection, as e-Portfolio, and as Formative …

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Applications of Formative Assessment

At our final OMSP leadership meeting we read a little bit of W. James Popham’s book Transformative Assessment in Action: An Inside Look at Applying the Process to discuss. We first came up with our own definitions of formative assessment. I thought my team did pretty well. I mean, here we all are, teacher leaders …

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Love Learning

After a stimulating faculty meeting we were given two prompts to respond to as a closing activity. Here is the one I chose and my response. What is it you really wish your students can learn from you? If I had only one thing all year that my students would take away from their time …

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