I’ve had mixed results using social networking media for class discussions. Because of that I haven’t even tried to have students use it for backchanneling. It’s hard enough to get them to listen as I give instructions and I don’t lecture all that much anyway. I’ve had this vision of engaging more students in class …
Category: Tech Integration
These are blogs I've written about integrating technology into my Science classes.
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2012/05/08/how-to-make-social-networking-work/
May 01
iPads vs Netbooks
It’s not like I have the money to buy any more iPads or any more Netbooks but I’ve been thinking about which one to recommend if the question comes up at our district tech meetings. I’m basing this pro and con comparison on my classroom. I have 14 first generation iPads and I’m borrowing five …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2012/05/01/ipads-vs-netbooks/
Apr 01
The End of a Great Streak
I wrote two grant proposals this year and did NOT get either of them. With that came an end to an incredible 13 year streak of getting at least one grant per year. I have been very fortunate. But with failing and broken equipment and the threat of losing the 1:1 environment that I have …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2012/04/01/the-end-of-a-great-streak/
Mar 26
Connecting is cool. We live in the age of being connected. All the time, or at least anytime. Anytime is probably healthier because we should do other things besides stay connected all the time. The reason I integrate the kinds of technologies I use with my students is to have them connect, collaborate, and create. …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2012/03/26/connecting/
Mar 13
What is School For?
That’s what Seth Godin, author of Linchpin and other books, is asking us in his blog post www.stopstealingdreams.com is ready to read and share. Stop Stealing Dreams is a free book Godin wrote to get discussions around education reform going. Why did he do that? Because his readers ask him, “What do you think we …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2012/03/13/what-is-school-for/
Feb 25
Lessons from Student Bloggers
It was about this time last year that I wrote a blog on some lessons I was learning from my students with regards to blogging and their blogs. I was getting the clue that assigning blog assignments as homework didn’t work. Merely having a tech component wasn’t enticing enough for kids to do school work …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2012/02/25/lessons-from-student-bloggers/
Feb 14
How cool to get interviewed! Laurie Hansen contacted me for an interview about our WA STEM grant project. It was such a cool experience. Check it out at her blog, Vicariosity. 🙂 Thanks again, Laurie!
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2012/02/14/interviewed/
Jan 09
Blogging and Tweeting – WA STEM Follow-Up
Our WA STEM grant work is coming to an end. My Math and Science middle and high school PLC team has been immersing themselves in the world of social networking by blogging and tweeting for the past year. For some it’s been toe dipping that is becoming a walk up to the hip while other …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2012/01/09/blogging-tweeting-wa-stem/
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2012/01/03/wa-stem-1-5-12-agenda/
Jan 02
My Fave 11 of 2011
It’s that time of year again. Where people look back and reflect on their top posts. I was reading Pernille Ripp’s top blog post and she made a great point. Instead of listing the posts that got the most hits list the ones that mean the most to you! I love it. And actually I …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2012/01/02/my-fave-11-of-2011/