Category: Tech Integration

These are blogs I've written about integrating technology into my Science classes.

Engineering with Sphero and Knex

Curriculum is a great guide. I’ve taught for years with no curriculum and all that freedom is a bit much and comes at a cost. When I’m designing all the curriculum I teach it takes a lot of time, especially since I have to make sure it fits within the scope and sequence of my …

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My Storify Replacement Alternatives

When I first heard that Storify was stopping its services I too was wondering what I would replace it with, and I only had 13 stories saved on Storify! I can’t imagine all the folks who had dozens or more stories saved. My concern was mostly for the blog posts I had written and embedded …

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Black Panther Movie Engineering Quote

I finally got to see Black Panther! And I’m so glad I went. It was GREAT! So well done and the movie did a fantastic job of bringing the Black Panther characters to life. I’ve been a fan of the Black Panther superhero since I was reading comics growing up. After watching the movie I …

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100% Total Engagement

I’ve been looking for ways to engage ALL my students. It’s been quite a hunt with limited success at best. I’ve learned that you can engage all of your students some of the time or some of your students all of the time (pretty much) but the 100% total engagement has been elusive. And I …

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Another NCCE in the Books #NCCE18

I was able to attend another NCCE (Northwest Council for Computer Education) conference this school year! I first attended an NCCE conference in 2002. It was great and I got to learn what was hot in EdTech, meet like-minded people, and bring home ideas and inspiration. It would be 12 years before I got to …

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Diigo Links Moved!

I curate SO MANY links of resources and blogs each and every day that I had to share. So I started auto-publishing my newly curated links to Diigo every week. It came in the form of long lists of links posts. I was just happy to share all the amazing things I was coming across. …

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Blended or Hybrid Learning Infographic

University of Cincinnati

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Student Tech Support – ChimTech

At the beginning of the 2015-16 school year I was feeling some desperation. Our middle school had been pitching a plan to go 1:1 for all students and it just wasn’t happening. I represented our school on our district’s technology committee and the money wasn’t available to make our 1:1 happen. So I got an …

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Goodbye to my iMacs

Our iMac

Back in 2011 I wrote a blog post about going full circle, kind of, from integrating technology by having students work 1:1 student to computer in a computer lab to having computers in my classroom. In the classroom I started with one computer for all students to use, then I upgraded to a 1:4 student …

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Tech Fails

Last year I wrote some posts sharing all the problems we have using a mix of different devices, some of which are beyond their prime. – Problems with Tech – Google Classroom on Older Devices – Android Tablet Accessing GAFE Tools – Multiple GAFE Accounts, Shared Devices It’s been over a year since my last …

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