Not Against Competition

I’ve written some posts about awards not being very useful when used as reward and punishment. I’ve written some posts about grades not being very useful when used as reward and punishment. I try to create an environment in my classroom where kids aren’t competing for points or an A but are instead learning and …

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Lessons from Student Bloggers

It was about this time last year that I wrote a blog on some lessons I was learning from my students with regards to blogging and their blogs. I was getting the clue that assigning blog assignments as homework didn’t work. Merely having a tech component wasn’t enticing enough for kids to do school work …

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Awards as a Habit

A little over a year ago I wrote about some issues with award ceremonies in schools. I shared some of the things I was learning about rewards, punishments, and competition in schools with the staff at my middle school. We discussed it and are looking at alternatives that work best for all kids. Teachers were …

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How cool to get interviewed! Laurie Hansen contacted me for an interview about our WA STEM grant project. It was such a cool experience. Check it out at her blog, Vicariosity. 🙂 Thanks again, Laurie!

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School Accountability

Public schools exist to ensure that everyone has an opportunity for an education. An education is supposed to be the equalizer that prepares everyone to achieve their American Dream. Whether your dream is to open your own business,  be a doctor, a lawyer, a football star, a baseball star, an actor, a famous musician, or …

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Innovation, Passion, Engagement

It all started when I read on Twitter about Dan Pink’s Fedex Day post for fostering innovation. This sparked something in many educators. Josh Stumpenhorst initiated an innovation day at his school after another teacher, Matt Langes, tried it. Josh’s innovation day even hit the news and Dan Pink himself contacted Josh! The idea of …

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Blogging and Tweeting – WA STEM Follow-Up

WA Stem Grant Meeting

Our WA STEM grant work is coming to an end. My Math and Science middle and high school PLC team has been immersing themselves in the world of social networking by blogging and tweeting for the past year. For some it’s been toe dipping that is becoming a walk up to the hip while other …

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Tough Decisions

Testing creek water with a probe.

Sometimes, when faced with a tough decision, I choose one that leaves me feeling bad for a long time. I can justify the decision and do so over and over. The reason I have to justify my decision is because it’s one where kids miss out. Every year for the past ten years I’ve been …

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Guest Post: Science that Sticks

As teachers, we hope to do more than just teach kids information they need to pass tests and score well on end-of-grade exams. We hope to teach information such that the kids remember it five, ten, and even twenty years later. We hope to imbue students with useful facts and figures and to teach critical …

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WA STEM 1-5-12 Agenda

WA STEM grant meeting Thursday, 1-5-12, from 3pm to 6pm in Mr. G’s room. Agenda Collaboration time: Those who have been blogging successfully will help the others get a blog written and published. Those who have been tweeting successfully will help the others log in to their Twitter account and start following people so they …

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