This past Thursday Nicholas Provenzano hosted a Twitter chat at #NerdyChat on the topic of Gamification (see transcript here). Gamification is the idea of using the best of video gaming in the classroom. Why? Watch a kid play a video game. Video games hook the player and motivate the player to persevere through failure and …
Tag: Budgets
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Oct 24
Sample Grant Proposal
This post has been updated slightly – go here to read the updated version. I have learned the benefits of grant writing. In my career I have gotten a lot of grants, I’ve gotten at least one grant a year for the past 13 years straight (now it’s 17 years straight, 15-16)! I have …
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Oct 03
Innovative Schooling?
I hear a lot, or rather read a lot, about changing the way we “school” our children. I hear ideas about not sorting kids by age, not being driven by bells and schedules, and about not controlling or making kids conform to traditional school rules. I have trouble wrapping my brain around ideas that are …
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Apr 07
My Recent Readings…
I found this blog post by a teacher who is also trying to find ways to assess students better than traditional grading. This teacher from Alberta, Canada, has been blogging about topics such as grading and student assessment for a while now. Here are a collection of his blogs on these subjects. Etta Kralovec on …
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