Tag: Lot

Student Survey Time

Midterm is upon us and I reminded my students of how things are different at this time in an ungraded classroom. I hear them talking about what grades they are getting in their other classes because at midterm teachers prepare progress reports for families to see how their child is doing halfway through the trimester. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2013/01/25/student-survey-time/

Gamified Classroom?

Not so much actually. I started the year all hopeful to gamify my classes. After reading Lee Sheldon’s book, The Multiplayer Classroom this past summer I was all ready to jump in with all my classes. I had badges all prepared for my students to place on their blogs as they showed evidence of understanding …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2013/01/02/gamified-classroom/

Learning Styles

Associate Professor Steve Wheeler wrote a blog recently about learning styles titled A Convenient Untruth. In his blog Steve writes about the dangers of using the idea of learning styles to brand kids as one type of learner. It’s a good read and definitely something all teachers should be aware of so they don’t use …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2011/11/28/learning-styles/

Sample Grant Proposal


This post has been updated slightly – go here to read the updated version.   I have learned the benefits of grant writing. In my career I have gotten a lot of grants, I’ve gotten at least one grant a year for the past 13 years straight (now it’s 17 years straight, 15-16)! I have …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2011/10/24/sample-grant-proposal/

Finland’s Race Leads Somewhere

I found this video on Mr. Bogush’s blog about the Finland Phenomenon aptly called, “The Finland Phenomenon.” I think that we can learn a lot from Finland. From 2000 to 2009 Finland has scored #1 in the world in Reading, Math, and Science. Yet in Finland students start school later, spend less time in school, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2011/05/13/finlands-race-leads-somewhere/

Sharing Learning Expectations

As I continue to learn more about Assessment for Learning (AfL) I find ways to hone my craft. One of the five key strategies of AfL is to share learning expectations with students. I’ve used rubrics on and off for years not sure if I like the transparency of them or hate how they don’t …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2010/12/04/sharing-learning-expectations/

Goals for my Students

Stream table exploration to see how to save homes.

After July 20th’s #edchat on the Goal of Education (see archive here) I got to thinking about my goals for the children I help educate. It helped me, with my thinking, to read “Backwards Design and Integrating New Technology” because I integrate technology whenever I can. I need to continually ask myself if what I …

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Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2010/07/21/goals-for-my-students/