I saw this video again and thought I’d post it. We need to see this often, at least until the test craze ends. Sir Ken Robinson’s Changing Education Paradigm animated by RSA (It’s only about 11 mins).
Tag: Sir Ken
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2012/12/26/testing-or-arts/
Oct 06
Future of Ed Webinar
After Monday’s epic webinar, I sent this email out to all the MS and HS school teachers in my district: If you missed the Elevating the Education Reform Dialog webinar and want to know what happened here is a link to the event recording page: http://www.learncentral.org/event/106358 The rest of the links came up during the …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2010/10/06/future-of-ed-webinar/
Aug 12
My Concerns as an Educator
Many of the blogs I’ve been reading, twitter conversations I’ve been reading or participating in, twitter chats I’ve been participating in, and guest blogs I’ve been writing and reading have been bringing back a nagging concern I have for our students. I think I’ve also read the response in the same tweets and blogs that …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2010/08/12/my-concerns-as-an-educator/
Jun 30
Reflections of 2009-10
This year I taught three 6th grade Science classes, which means I had all 90 of my middle school’s 6th graders, and two 7/8 mixed Earth Science classes. Being able to teach 7th and 8th grade Science is wonderful because that means that I get to have some of my former 6th grade students again! …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2010/06/30/reflections-of-2009-10/
Apr 07
My Recent Readings…
I found this blog post by a teacher who is also trying to find ways to assess students better than traditional grading. This teacher from Alberta, Canada, has been blogging about topics such as grading and student assessment for a while now. Here are a collection of his blogs on these subjects. Etta Kralovec on …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2010/04/07/my-recent-readings/