Hood Canal Testing

DoppleMe AvatarThis week 6th graders will conduct their water quality tests on seven sites along both sides of the Hood Canal. My 1st period class will be going to the Dosewallips River, the Duckabush River and Triton Cove Beach on Wednesday, Nov 7. My 2nd period class will be going to the Dewatto River and Belfair State Park on Thursday, Nov 8. My 6th period class will be going to Big Creek, off of Hoodsport heading toward Cushman Lake, and the Hamma Hamma River on Friday, Nov 9. We will be leaving school around 8am and we should arrive by 2pm. If you can join us we would love to have you.

Please pack a sack lunch for your child with snacks as we will be out all day in the cold. Encourage your child to dress warmly and if it looks like rain please send your child with a raincoat and an umbrella if possible.

Thank you.

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