Category: Tech Integration

These are blogs I've written about integrating technology into my Science classes.

WordPress Troubles

I’ve been using WordPress for over six years now. I have a WordPress database on my hosting service. I also have a couple of blogger blogs and although I like them both I prefer my main, professional blog on WordPress (mainly because I’ve been using it so long and customizing it, and I’m used to …

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Moving to 1to1

Working in a small school district I get to actually work with our superintendent! After starting my career in the Los Angeles Unified School District this is just awesome. I’m part of our district technology committee so that’s one way I get to work with our superintendent. So what do you do when your superintendent …

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Interview with Two Programmers

During the Seattle Startup EDU Weekend I had the chance to work with two programmers. In high school I studied Basic, then in I tried a little Pascal. I liked programming but didn’t major in it in school, following other interests instead. When I started teaching I learned html and tried to get back into …

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What’s a Startup Weekend?

The weekend of Oct 19 I got to participate in a Startup Weekend, specifically the Startup Weekend Seattle EDU at the Evergreen School! From the About Section of the Startup website: “Startup Weekends are 54-hour events where developers, designers, marketers, product managers and startup enthusiasts come together to share ideas, form teams, build products, and launch …

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Getting More Girls Into STEM

I’m participating in this year’s Seattle EDU Startup Weekend (follow at #SWSeaEDU) and I’ve joined a group working on a solution to get more girls into STEM by catching them early and getting them excited about learning programming basics. We need your help. Please answer a few questions to help validate our idea. What we’re …

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iPad and Tech Resources for Science

Check out a blog I wrote sharing iPad apps and other assorted tech resources I use with students in my Science classes on Digitizd (@digitizd): A Science Teacher Shares Tech Resources For Teachers, Parents & Students

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Grant Streak Back on Track!

At the beginning of April I wrote a post about the end of my grant streak. I had failed in getting a couple of huge grant proposals I wrote and sent out during the 11-12 school year for the 12-13 school year. It was close to the end of the year so I thought it …

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Student Feedback 11-12

Every year I find some way to get feedback from my students. I’ve been getting feedback from my students for years to determine what I’m doing well and what could use some fixing. I especially wanted to see what students thought this past school year about getting feedback from me because I struggled finding time …

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Educators Connecting

I’m a little slow sometimes. I may even be days to weeks behind when things are trending on Twitter or Google Plus. I have to admit that I came a little late to Connected Educators Month! I attended a webinar and am starting to join in some of the many activities there are to choose …

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Social Networking for PD

This was cross posted from the WA STEM Blog: Our program to have teachers use social networking to connect and learn from each other continued early this summer. We added six teachers to our mix and gave them a short, two-day immersion into the world of blogging and tweeting to connect to learn. Here’s a …

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