Category: Tech Integration

These are blogs I've written about integrating technology into my Science classes.

What is School For?

That’s what Seth Godin, author of Linchpin and other books, is asking us in his blog post is ready to read and share. Stop Stealing Dreams is a free book Godin wrote to get discussions around education reform going. Why did he do that? Because his readers ask him, “What do you think we …

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Lessons from Student Bloggers

It was about this time last year that I wrote a blog on some lessons I was learning from my students with regards to blogging and their blogs. I was getting the clue that assigning blog assignments as homework didn’t work. Merely having a tech component wasn’t enticing enough for kids to do school work …

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How cool to get interviewed! Laurie Hansen contacted me for an interview about our WA STEM grant project. It was such a cool experience. Check it out at her blog, Vicariosity. 🙂 Thanks again, Laurie!

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Blogging and Tweeting – WA STEM Follow-Up

WA Stem Grant Meeting

Our WA STEM grant work is coming to an end. My Math and Science middle and high school PLC team has been immersing themselves in the world of social networking by blogging and tweeting for the past year. For some it’s been toe dipping that is becoming a walk up to the hip while other …

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WA STEM 1-5-12 Agenda

WA STEM grant meeting Thursday, 1-5-12, from 3pm to 6pm in Mr. G’s room. Agenda Collaboration time: Those who have been blogging successfully will help the others get a blog written and published. Those who have been tweeting successfully will help the others log in to their Twitter account and start following people so they …

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My Fave 11 of 2011

It’s that time of year again. Where people look back and reflect on their top posts. I was reading Pernille Ripp’s top blog post and she made a great point. Instead of listing the posts that got the most hits list the ones that mean the most to you! I love it. And actually I …

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Unstructured iPad Time

We have a traditional bell schedule with six periods of classes a day for our students. Each class lasts about 50 minutes with four minutes of hall passing time to get to the next class. Most of our classes are close enough apart that kids can get to their next class rather quickly. So if …

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Top 10 iPad Apps for Teachers

Guest Post: This article was submitted by Lori Hutchison. She owns the site Masters in History and is an Art History Professor. As the use of iPads becomes more popular in the classroom, teachers are looking for practical ways to incorporate them into their teaching and their daily lives. Here are ten great iPad apps …

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Innovators or Pioneers?

When I think of innovators I think of Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg. They come up with something new and people use it. I guess there are people who are innovators whose stuff we don’t use or whose stuff aren’t so famous but I am familiar with many Apple products and the lure of Facebook, …

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