This past school year I implemented a 20% Time/Genius Hour year-long project with my 8th graders. I’ll be sharing my reflections in a later post but for now I need to share three amazing presentations that came from the project. Students worked on their projects every Friday and their one requirement was to share the …
Tag: Passion
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Jul 08
A Student in Drag
This past school year I implemented a 20% Time/Genius Hour year-long project with my 8th graders. I’ll be sharing my reflections in a later post but for now I need to share three amazing presentations that came from the project. Students worked on their projects every Friday and their one requirement was to share the …
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Jul 08
A Student’s FBI Dream
This past school year I implemented a 20% Time/Genius Hour year-long project with my 8th graders. I’ll be sharing my reflections in a later post but for now I need to share three amazing presentations that came from the project. Students worked on their projects every Friday and their one requirement was to share the …
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Mar 12
Student Engagement
I think about student engagement, what we call on-task behavior, a lot. All the time it seems. I’ve written a few blogs on the subject. I wrote What is On Task back in April of 2011, I wrote How Much Socializing Can You Put Up With on August of 2011, I wrote, I’m Bored, So …
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Jan 30
Innovation, Passion, Engagement
It all started when I read on Twitter about Dan Pink’s Fedex Day post for fostering innovation. This sparked something in many educators. Josh Stumpenhorst initiated an innovation day at his school after another teacher, Matt Langes, tried it. Josh’s innovation day even hit the news and Dan Pink himself contacted Josh! The idea of …
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Nov 15
Billy Jack and the Freedom School
Okay, I’m a Billy Jack fan. And after being drawn to watching his movies again I found them even more cool than when I first watched them as a kid. I remembered the martial arts and butt kicking Billy Jack did and I too felt the passion of Billy Jack at seeing such hatred over …
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Oct 08
Marc Prensky Event
This is a guest blog post by Gabriella Ashford in response to my asking about a Marc Prensky event I wasn’t able to attend. Gabriella attended our screening of Race to Nowhere and is keeping the conversation alive here. MARC PRENSKY EVENT in American Conversations at Peninsula College, Port Angeles: The presentation was powerful and …
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Apr 07
My Recent Readings…
I found this blog post by a teacher who is also trying to find ways to assess students better than traditional grading. This teacher from Alberta, Canada, has been blogging about topics such as grading and student assessment for a while now. Here are a collection of his blogs on these subjects. Etta Kralovec on …
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