It was about this time last year that I wrote a blog on some lessons I was learning from my students with regards to blogging and their blogs. I was getting the clue that assigning blog assignments as homework didn’t work. Merely having a tech component wasn’t enticing enough for kids to do school work …
Tag: Passions
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Oct 08
Marc Prensky Event
This is a guest blog post by Gabriella Ashford in response to my asking about a Marc Prensky event I wasn’t able to attend. Gabriella attended our screening of Race to Nowhere and is keeping the conversation alive here. MARC PRENSKY EVENT in American Conversations at Peninsula College, Port Angeles: The presentation was powerful and …
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Aug 12
My Concerns as an Educator
Many of the blogs I’ve been reading, twitter conversations I’ve been reading or participating in, twitter chats I’ve been participating in, and guest blogs I’ve been writing and reading have been bringing back a nagging concern I have for our students. I think I’ve also read the response in the same tweets and blogs that …
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