Alfonso Gonzalez

I teach 5th and 6th grade STEM in the lovely Pacific Northwest in a small, rural town called Chimacum. My goal is to help students discover that all learning is life-long and that 21st century tools can be used for work as well as fun.

Most commented posts

  1. iPads in Science — 22 comments
  2. Awards, Grades and Competition — 18 comments
  3. My ClamCase Experience — 15 comments
  4. Innovative Schooling? — 10 comments
  5. What is On-Task? — 10 comments

Author's posts

Class Syllabi and Intro Letters

It's on the syllabus

I finally have some rough drafts done after much toiling and procrastinating for days. I’ll need to read over them again and make changes but at least I’ve got something to start with. The reason I’m toiling and stressing is because there is so much I want parents and students to know. I want to …

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iPad’s Promise and How to Use it Now

This is another cross post I wrote on the IEAR website. Zemanta’s August 13 post regarding, “What do teachers really want in an ‘Educational App?’” has hit the nail on the head. Ever since I bought my first iPhone back in 2008 and since then seeing kids use their iPod Touch I wanted more than …

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My Concerns as an Educator

Many of the blogs I’ve been reading, twitter conversations I’ve been reading or participating in, twitter chats I’ve been participating in, and guest blogs I’ve been writing and reading have been bringing back a nagging concern I have for our students. I think I’ve also read the response in the same tweets and blogs that …

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Blogs as Electronic Portfolios

File Folders

I’ve been having my students blog in my Science classes for years using David Warlick’s ClassBlogmeister. It was only this summer that I thought, “why not use those blogs as electronic portfolios?” Our school has been part of WA state’s Navigation 101 program and we are beginning to delve into electronic portfolios. Once a student …

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Star Walk iPad App Review

This year’s Olympic Math & Science Partnership (OMSP) summer program was again held at the gorgeous Olympic Park Institute (OPI) at Lake Crescent. For four days Math and Science teachers met to learn more Math and Science. I brought my iPad and one app in particular made a huge impression on many teachers: Star Walk. …

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iPad App Reviews

My iPad Review for the IEAR

After writing my iPads in Science blog article I received a comment from Scott Meech from the I Educational Apps Review (IEAR) website. He asked me to cross post my article on the IEAR website. How cool! So I copied my article, with slight re-editing, and now it’s posted on the IEAR site! Check it …

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My 2nd Guest Blog Post!

My guest blog post on Joe Bower's site.

Joe Bower’s blog, for the Love of Learning, was a big help and support for me while I was researching going grade-less. His section on Abolishing Grades has many posts that he’s written throughout his time teaching with no grades. He’s been doing it longer than most of us so it’s nice to read his …

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My First Guest Blog Post!

Jason T. Bedell's Blog

I just finished posting my first guest blog post on Jason T. Bedell’s blog! Jason was asking for guest posts on his blog about grading and assessment so I wrote a post titled, “Why Grade to Assess?” It was great to be able to reflect some more on the changes I’ve made to my grading …

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Goals for my Students

Stream table exploration to see how to save homes.

After July 20th’s #edchat on the Goal of Education (see archive here) I got to thinking about my goals for the children I help educate. It helped me, with my thinking, to read “Backwards Design and Integrating New Technology” because I integrate technology whenever I can. I need to continually ask myself if what I …

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Presentation Skills – Contamination!

Classroom Layout with Presentation Spots Labeled

From a few of the North Cascades and Olympic Science Partnership (NCOSP) Learning Community Forums on the “Four Hats of Leadership” based on The Adaptive School: A Sourcebook for Developing Collaborative Groups by Garmston and Wellman we learned about the following: •Facilitating (directs processes, maintains focus, supports group dialogue, planning, decision-making, or problem-solving) •Presenting (extend …

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