Al, Gonzalez is a National Board Certified Teacher (2004 and renewed
2014 and again on 2024) as an Early Adolescent Generalist and has been teaching for 33
years, 27 of those in the Chimacum School District. Al has a Masters in
Teaching and has completed both the ISTE Capstone I and II showing
fluency in the ISTE Student and Teacher standards. Al has been integrating
technology into his classes since 1991 when he brought his Tandy laptop
into his 4th and 5th grade class in South Central Los Angeles for
students to use as a learning center. Using his AOL account Al
connected his inner city students with students in Vassalboro, Maine.
They traded videos on VHS, sent through snail mail, back and forth,
sharing their similar yet uniquely different experiences.
Al teaches a primarily STEM Course to 5th and 6th graders in a 1:1
student to laptop environment. Al has enhanced his school program by
getting grants for 27 of the 33 years he's been teaching and 24 of
those were consecutive! Yeah, that's 24 straight years of
getting at least one grant per year! Al has
received Learn and Serve America service learning grants, Best Buy
grants, CenturyLink grants, foundation grants, a WEA Innovative
Educator grant, an ING Unsung Hero grant, an HP Technology for Teaching grant, a WA STEM
Entrepreneurial grant, Ocean Guardian Schools grants, and other
grants to integrate technology through great projects into his Science
1990 - Graduated UCLA with a major in Psychology
1991 - Began teaching 4th and 5th grade at Main Street Elementary in
South Central Los Angeles
1991 - Began the L.A. Unified School District Intern Program
1992 - Received a Los Angeles Educational Partnership Grant for $500
(1st grant ever)
1993 - Received a Josephine Bay Paul and C. Michael Paul Foundation,
Inc. Grant for $3,000
1994 - Completed L.A. Unified School District Intern Program
1994 - Earned California Elementary Teaching Credential along with
Bilingual Certificate of Competency in Spanish
1996 - One year contract at Blue Heron Middle School in WA teaching 7th
grade Language Arts and Social Studies
1997 to present - Teaching at Chimacum School District
1998 - Earned Certificate from UW for Teaching, Learning, and Technology
1999 - Received two major Technology Equipment and Training Grants!
2000 - Started Chimacum Middle School's Water Quality program with three grants!
2001 - Earned a Masters of Teaching Degree
2003 - Attended a National Science Foundation (NSF) Patterns
Exploration Training in Florida!
2004 - Earned a National Board Teaching Certification as an Early
Adolescent Generalist
2004 - Began a three year NSF funded North Cascades and Olympic Science
Partnership (NCOSP) training program.
2006 - Best
Buy Teacher Award grant for $2,500 (1,300 grants were awarded to
teachers all over the U.S.) and a Target
Field Trip grant for $1,000 (800 grants were awarded from over
16,000 applicants!) on top of the Learn & Serve America
grant for my 6th
grade Water Quality Project $4,000! That's $7,500 this year so far.
2006 - Best
Buy School Award grant for $15,000!! (out of the 1,300 teachers who
won the $2,500, 250 were asked to apply for this $15,000 school grant
and my application was one of the 50 chosen! We can now apply for a
$250,000 district grant from Best Buy!) See the article
in the Kitsap Sun! We applied for the district
grant but it was given to the San Diego school district. You win some,
you lose some. At least we tried.
2007 - HP's
Technology for Teaching Grant! Mr. Gonzalez, Mr.
Thomsen, Mr. DiPrete, Mr. Olafson, and Ms. Langston teamed up to write
a proposal for a 6, 7, 8 Math and Science project. The team of five
received equipment and will get training totalling more than $31,000! See the 06-07 grant items!
2007 - OSPI's Learn and Serve
America Mini-grant year two funds were increased from $4,000 to $7,046! There was more money for service
learning so Chimacum students get access to more field trips and more
equipment to study our creek's water quality and the Hood Canal.
2007 - One of six schools chosen to receive the 2007 Hooked
on Hydroponics Award (the M-1 package worth $900) from the National Gardening Association!
2008 - OSPI's Learn and Serve
America Mini-grant year three funds were increased, again, from
$4,000 to $9,000!
2008 - Now that the NCOSP grant has ended the Science partnership
expanded and we here on the peninsula have our own Olympic Math and
Science Partnership (OMSP). I am now working with OMSP to form a team
of middle school and high school Math and Science teachers here at
Chimacum. We call our team Math Science PLC (short for Professional
Learning Community) and we meet several times a year to work on
improving Math and Science instruction here at the Chimacum Schools!
2008 - As part of the HP Tech
for Teaching grant Al completed a nInternational Society for Technology
in Education (ISTE) certification course. Al received his ISTE Capstone
I certification. Teachers who complete the Capstone courses showcase exhibits
of projects they create and conduct with students to show proficiency
in all the National Education Technolgy Standards (NETS) for students
(NETS S) and for teachers (NETS T).
2009 - Thanks to Math and Science funds from WA state Al was able to
take the second ISTE Capstone
course and receive his ISTE Capstone II certification.
2009 - OSPI's Learn
and Serve America Sustainable Design grant Year 1 for $5,620 for my
Water Quality Project!
2010 - OSPI's Learn
and Serve America Sustainable Design grant Year 2 for $10,000 for
my Water Quality Project!
2010 - Chimacum School District to use Solo 6 as part of
our Water Quality Project. $2,000!
2010 - WA
STEM Entrepenuerial Award for $10,300!
2010 - Friends
of Chimacum Schools Education Foundation for $595 to replace a
broken Water Quality Vernier LabQuest!
2012 - The
Washington Foundation for the Environment (WFFE) as part of their
Nonprofit Environmental Ed $1,000 for the Water Quality Project!
2012 - The ING
Unsung Heroes awards program$2,000 for the Water Quality Project!
2012 - Worked on renewing my Early Adolescent Generalist National Board
Certification! (I renewed!)
2012 - Worked on the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science
Teaching! (I didn't make it.)
2013 - Got a $250 grant from WISE to teach students about invasive
2013 - Got a $5,000 Technology Grant from CenturyLink!
2014 - Got a WA STEM Professional Development Grant for our school
totalling over $13,000!
2014 - I was chosen as one of the five finalists in WA State for the
Samsung Solve for Tomorrow contest! I only made it to the first round,
but at least I got two Samsung Galaxy Tablets!
2015 - Got to participate in the Olympic STEM Pathways Partnership
representing Chimacum!
2015 - Got to co-present with two fabulous presenters at a WEA
Innovation conference for four days!
2015 - Got to co-present a WEA TPEP Formative Assessment session with
another fabulous teacher at the West Sound Summer Institute!
2015 - Got a Friends of Chimacum Schools Foundation grant for $300 to
purchase two Sphero Robotic
Balls for a Newton's Law project!
2015 - Year 2 of our WA STEM Professional Development grant!
2015 - Awarded an
NEEF grant for $750 for our Environmental Stewardship Project!
2015 - Received $245 in donations via an Indiegogo Campaign,
that raised awareness and our very WeAct Club raised $350, the WA State
Trooper's Association donated $900 and the Friends of Chimacum Schools
donated $1,000 to start a Student Tech Support Group at Chimacum Middle
School in the hopes of getting more computers into the hands of
students! (That's a total of $2,495!)
2016 - Received a CenturyLink
Teachers and Technology grant to enhance and expand the Student
Tech Support Group (ChimTech) for $5,000!
2016 - Received a Peninsula Credit Union grant for $500 for the
Environmental Stewardship Project!
2017 - Received a grant from, and became an, Ocean Guardian School for the Environmental
Stewardship Project for $4,000! This counts as Year 0.
2018 - Received Year 2 funds from Ocean Guardian School for the Environmental
Stewardship Project for another $4,000 (Officially Year 1)!
2018 - I got my first Donors Choose Project funded for $915!!
2018 - Got a Dennis Watson YMCA Spirit of Team Grant for $1,500!
2019 - Received the Year 3 Ocean Guardian School grant for the Environmental
Stewardship Project for another $4,000 (Officially Year 2)!
2020 - Received the 4th year Ocean Guardian School grant for the Environmental
Stewardship Project for $2,500 (Officially Year 3)!
2020 - This one is more of a prize but I had to do something to get it
and most of the monies go to the school, which I get to spend on our
esports program, so I'm counting this as a grant!
I won second place on an Epic Games Teach with Interactive 3D Contest by
creating a lesson
for kids to design experiments using Fortnite Creative! The prize
was $5,000 ($3,500 went to the school and $1,500 went to me!).
2021 - Received a 3-Year World School Pass and Classroom Pass for Avantis World VR Theme Park totaling $1,498!
The school pass gives us 30 teacher accounts allowing up to 35 students in each account.
2021 - Received the 5th year Ocean Guardian School grant for the Environmental
Stewardship Project for $1,000 (Officially Year 4)!
2021 - Chosen as the 2021 NCCE Outstanding Technology Educator of the Year!
2022 - Awarded the EPA's Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Educators!
2023 - Renewed National Board Certification for the second time extending certification to 2029.
2024 - Received a $2,000 grant from the Chimacum Arts and Craft Fair to support our Cispus Outdoor Education trip!
2024 - Received an $800 grant from the Chimacum Arts and Craft Fair to support my Environmental Stewardship Project!
Grant successes: grant writing leading to
over $381,000 in grants from 53 grants
and 24 straight years of getting at least one grant per year! (See grant history.)
majored in Psychology and minored in history at UCLA with
visions of becoming a veterinarian. Since his freshman year at UCLA, Al
studied a Korean Martial Art, Hwa
Rang Do. He began teaching new students after about three years and
found that he loved to teach. That was the career for Al, so upon graduating from UCLA he attended the
California State University at Northridge to
work towards earning his teaching credential. Dissatisfied with
Northridge's lack of support in their graduate program, he learned
about the Los Angeles
Unified School District's intern program that
led to a California Clear Credential and signed up. The program
targeted Spanish-speaking teachers to help the large population of
Spanish-speaking students in the Los Angeles district. He was accepted.
intern program proved to be more valuable than the Cal State Northridge
graduate program. The classes were taught by
veteran teachers with the emphasis on what works in the classroom with
only enough theory as necessary to become a better teacher - one who
can teach and not just talk about teaching. Using the latest Whole Language and Thematic approaches, lessons were created in each and every intern class and Al
used all those lessons every week in with his elementary students (the
Intern classes were taken at the same time Al began his first year of
teaching - quite a memorable experience considering the only work he'd
done with kids up to that point was teaching martial arts in an after
school program in an elementary school in Culver City!). While
interning, Al taught 4th and
5th grade modified and full bilingual classes at Main Street Elementary
School in the heart of South Central Los
Angeles. Al taught Science, Math, Social Studies, Language Arts, ESL,
P.E., Music (okay, music appreciation) and Art. The intern program
provided Al with training in all these fields. Training included using Thematic and Whole Language
Approaches using Core Literature, in a hands-on, naturalistic approach,
with authentic assessment techniques. It was
an awesome program! Having been born in Miami, Florida, to Cuban
parents and speaking only Spanish at home helped Al when he had to
relearn how to spell and put accent marks in his native language! He
picked English up while very young watching Sesame Street and that has
been his dominant language ever since, but luckily his mother kept his
Spanish fluent. Al earned
his California Clear Credential and his Bilingual Certificate of
Competency during his time at Main Street
Main Street Al joined the Local
School Leadership Council and the School Site Council, participated in putting on multicultural assemblies, chaired the technology committee, was part of the
mathematics and science committees and was
responsible for bringing the internet to Main Street and purchasing the
new computer lab. In a position of leadership, he participated in the state's evaluation of
the school's improvement program and helped rewrite the school's
improvement plan. In five years he amassed
as much experience as he could in all areas of the elementary school
curriculum and attended several workshops and inservices in all the
subject areas. While at Main Street Elementary, Al received two grants. Al received a
$500 grant from the Los Angeles Educational Partnership (LAEP) to bring
the Internet to his classroom and a $3,000 grant from the Josephine Bay
Paul and C. Michael Paul Foundation, Inc. to keep his school newspaper
going. Both were huge successes. During his
first year at Main Street, Al brought his Tandy laptop so his students
could word process. His second year at Main Street, Al began to use a
single Mac LC 520 with CD-ROM drive with his students. The LAEP grant
bought a modem and phone line which Al used with his own AOL account to
connect his class. His South Central Latino kids were keypals with kids
in Vassalboro, Maine! His fourth and fifth graders began a school
newspaper with that one computer until Al got the $3,000 to purchase a
second computer, this time a Pentium 120 HP with a scanner and a small
camera. This improved the newspaper greatly and more classes in the
school participated. The newspaper also helped Al's class share what
they were learning through the interactive, online experience of
MayaQuest. Al worked in South Central Los Angeles, at Main Street
Elementary, from 1991 to 1996.
1991 to 1992 at Main
Street Elementary (5th Bilingual and English Only)
1992 to 1993 at Main Street Elementary (4/5 Bilingual and English Only)
1993 to 1994 at Main Street Elementary (4/5 Full Bilingual)
1994 to 1995 at Main Street Elementary (4/5 Full Bilingual)
1995 to 1996 at Main Street Elementary (4/5 Full Bilingual)
5 years at Main
Street Elementary
1996 to 1997 at Blue Heron MS (7th Language Arts/Social Studies)
1 year at Blue
1997 to 1998 at Chimacum MS (6th Social Studies, Math, 2 Sci with
Missig, and one 7/8 Adv Tech - HTML)
1998 to 1999 at Chimacum MS (6th Social Studies, Math, 2 Sci with
Missig, and one 8th Adv Tech)
1999 to 2000 at Chimacum MS (6th Social Studies, Math, 2 Sci with
Langston, and one 8th Comp II)
2000 to 2001 at Chimacum MS (6th Social Studies, Math, 2 Sci with
Langston, and one 8th Comp II)
2001 to 2002 at Chimacum MS (6th 4 Sci - Blocks, and 8th Comp 2)
2002 to 2003 at Chimacum MS (6th 4 Sci - Periods, and 8th Comp 2)
2003 to 2004 at Chimacum MS (6th 4 Sci - Mixed Block, Student Tech
Corps, and 8th Comp 2)
2004 to 2005 at Chimacum MS (6th LA, SS, Sci, Math, Student Tech Corps,
and 8th Comp 2)
2005 to 2006 at Chimacum MS (6th 2 SS, 2 Sci, and 8th Comp 2)
2006 to 2007 at Chimacum MS (6th 3 Sci, 7th 1 Sci, and 8th Comp 2 - 2
tri's, 7/8 Latin - 1 tri)
2007 to 2008 at Chimacum MS (6th 3 Sci, 7th 2 Sci, first year with no
exploratory class)
2008 to 2009 at Chimacum MS (6th 2 Sci, 8th 3 Sci, second year with no
exploratory class)
2009 to 2010 at Chimacum MS (6th 3 Sci, 7/8 2 Sci, third year with no
exploratory class)
2010 to 2011 at Chimacum MS (6th 3 Sci, 8th 2 Sci)
2011 to 2012 at Chimacum MS (6th 3 Sci, 8th 2 Sci)
2012 to 2013 at Chimacum MS (6th 3 Sci, 8th 2 Sci)
2013 to 2014 at Chimacum MS (6th 3 Sci, 8th 2 Sci)
2014 to 2105 at Chimacum MS (6th 3 Sci, 6th 2 Exploratory)
2015 to 2016 at Chimacum MS (6th 3 Sci, 6th 1 Exploratory)
2016 to 2017 at Chimacum MS (6th 3 Sci, 6th 1 Exploratory)
2017 to 2018 at Chimacum MS (6th 3 Sci, 6th 1 Exploratory, 8th 1 Sci)
2018 to 2019 at Chimacum MS (6th 2 Sci, 8th 2 Sci, 7/8 1 Computer
2019 to 2020 at Chimacum Elem (6th 3 STEM & 1 Esports)
2020 to 2021 at Chimacum Elem (6th 3 STEM & 1 Esports)
2021 to 2022 at Chimacum Elem (1 6th grade & 1 5/6 Math & Science & STEM & 1 Esports)
2022 to 2023 at Chimacum Elem (3 5/6 Science & STEM & 1 Esports)
2023 to 2024 at Chimacum Elem (1 6th grade Science, STEM, and Math, 1 5th/6th Science, STEM, and Math, & 1 Esports)
2024 to 2025 at Chimacum Elem (2 6th grade Science, STEM, and Math, & 1 Esports)
2024-25 = 28th year at Chimacum Schools!
2024-25 = 34th year teaching!
Washington, Al worked his first
year in a replacement contract at Blue Heron Middle school teaching 7th
grade Language Arts and Social Studies. In
that one year at Blue Heron, Al worked closely with the 7th grade team
to create integrative units for the kids and he and his classes
participated in two online collaborative projects. Al brought the
MayaQuest experience to his 7th graders as he and his kids learned to
create websites with HTML. Al remained with Blue Heron only for the
1996-1997 school year.
his replacement contract was over, Al found the perfect position at
Chimacum Middle School. Sixth grade is a great balance between fifth
and seventh. Al has been at Chimacum since the fall of 1997. CMS is a
great place to work and a pretty fantastic district that puts kids
first and respects its teachers. The middle school is a perfect fit for
Al where he enjoys working side-by-side with extraordinary and
wonderful people. At Chimacum, Al joined the middle school's building council as 6th
grade representative from 1997 to 2001 and
he is part of his school's
technology team as well as the district's technology team. He was also hired as part-time, assistant district technician to help the district's tech guy, Chris Martin, especially
as the Chimacum Schools were growing. Towards the end of his first year
at Chimacum (summer of 1998), Al taught two classes, one on using CD-ROMs in the computer lab with your class,
and one on using Easy Grade Pro 3.06 grading
program, and two Beginning Internet
classes. The classes were attended by Chimacum Middle School teachers,
Chimacum School district teachers and by teachers from Jefferson County
at Chimacum's summer institute. Al has also taught classes to the
Chimacum staff on making websites with Claris
Homepage (summer of 2000), on using
Grade Machine 6.0 (summer of 2001) and on creating PowerPoint presentations (summer
of 2002).
began teaching 6th grade science, math, and social studies along with
7/8 Beginning HTML or Advanced Technology as they called it, and a
Computers 2 class teaching web design with html editors and skills such
as spreadsheets, databases and graphic design. Al spent the 2000-2001
school year working on the District's
science subject area committee and for the
2001-2002 school year Al taught
6th grade science to all 6th graders along with the 8th grade Computers
2 on web design. His student's works are
published on the WWW, go to his classroom website to see
it as well as get information on what Al is teaching.
the summer of 1998, Al was accepted into the University of Washington's Teaching, Learning, and Technology program where
he received a certificate in
Teaching, Learning and Technology. Go to his TLT web page
to see lesson plans created for the courses as well as literary work.
During the Summer of 1999-2000, he was accepted into the Grand Canyon University's Master of Arts in Teaching program. Al earned a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) degree.
years 1999 and 2001 proved to be good years for Al Gonzalez. Al enjoys
writing grants to gain money for equipment to fund the addition of more
technology into his classroom or to fund exciting science projects.
During the summer of '99 he wrote and applied for three separate
grants. It was quite frustrating when one after another of those three
grants didn't come through. Al did not let that discourage him though
as he found out about two more grants, two big ones that seemed to go
very well together. So Al applied for one of the OSPI's Technology Literacy Challenge Fund
(TLCF) grants, the Learning Space:
Right in Class project as well as the Bill and Melinda Gates Library
Foundation's Teacher Leadership Project (TLP) grant. Al wished and
prayed and drove his Principal (Kathy Wales) crazy, but finally heard
that he was awarded the
Right in Class grant. The Learning Space's Right in Class grant placed
equipment in Al's classroom and provided some quality training with
other great teachers from WA State. Altogether, the entire grant
totaled over $10,000! If that wasn't enough,
also got the TLP grant! That grant awarded Al $9,000 and for
equipment, plus a laptop and tons of training to teach his students and
address the Washington State EALR's using highly accessible technology
easily totalling over $10,000!. Two dreams
come true as Al was able to provide one computer for every three to
four kids in his classroom!
spent the 2000-2001 school year writing other grants to improve his
program. He wrote seven grants, but that paid off when he heard that
the Toshiba America
Foundation awarded him a
$4,800 grant to fund Chimacum Middle School's
Water Quality Project! If that wasn't
enough, EDS
Al $1,500 to buy more equipment for the water quality project and the Friends
of Chimacum Foundation awarded Al $250 to help purchase even more
equipment! 2001-2002 was very good indeed
for 6th grade science!
If getting those grants weren't enough, Chimacum Middle School
was awarded the Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation's Model Schools Grant! Al wrote a
proposal to the foundation during the 1999-2000 school year but that
proposal was not accepted. The foundation needed proof that the entire
staff was willing to accept the grant
guidelines. Al asked for help and with a group of Chimacum
teachers, rewrote the grant proposal for the 2000-2001 school year. The
grant seemingly failed being accepted for the 2000-2001 round. Then, out of the blue, a foundation
representative visited Chimacum Middle School! Chimacum
Middle School's principal at the time, David Leinweber, informed Al
that they had made it to the next stage. After
the visitation, Chimacum Middle School was informed that the foundation
would indeed award them the grant! They had made it!!
The grant gave the school $400 per student, which totaled $136,000 for Chimacum Middle School. Way to
go staff. The money was used to purchase equipment for the school and
to train teachers on how to best use that equipment. They also used the
money for staff development and to improve their school by developing a
School Improvement Plan (SIP).
the remainder of 2001-02, Al sought more grant opportunities to make Chimacum's
Water Quality study more exciting and real for his students. None
of the those proved successful, but Al continued to write more grant
proposals toward the end of the school year. Al figures that the more
he tries, the more likely that a grant will pay off. As part of the
Gates Grant, Al works with a small group of teachers and their
principal to help plan the staff development and purchase of equipment.
Al attended a Gates Grant conference
where he learned a lot about education reform. Al also attended the 2001-2002
conference which was held in Seattle along with the entire staff of
Chimacum Middle School. It was an exciting event where the staff was
able to learn what is possible with the latest technology and at the
same time network with other teachers.
At first, year 2001-2002 seemed to be a year where Al would get no
grants. With his new principal's help, Al rewrote his Water Quality
grant and submitted it to Toyota's Tapestry grant, to the Coca Cola
Foundation, and to the AOL Time Warner Foundation. Al requested from
$10,000 to $25,000 from each of those grants and was very disappointed
to get none of them. The competition was fierce and this just wasn't
his year for new equipment. What Al did
get was an OSPI
scholarship to apply and work towards
his National Board for Professional Teaching
Standards teaching certificate as an Early
Adolescent (ages 11-15) Generalist. That would be quite
an honor if Al could get it. Al was not alone in his endeavor as the
other two middle school science teachers got the same scholarship and
went for their certificates in Science and Early Adolescent Generalist
as well. Al sees himself as an
integrationist, which is why he went for the generalist
great honor for Al was having been selected along with
one of the 7th grade math teachers to
attend the National Science
Foundation's (NSF) Pattern Exploration Institute. Al and the 7th grade math teacher spent two weeks in
Boca Raton, Florida learning how to integrate math and science through
patterns explorations using Fractal geometry! The courses were geared
towards middle school students and it was led by top mathematicians and
Physicists. Dr. Heinz Otto Peitgin, a leader in the field of fractal
geometry and chaos math was one of the teachers! It
was awesome. See the picts here.
All expenses were
paid for the two teachers to learn and bring back some
amazing math and science! So in the end, 2001-2002 was not a total loss
after all. Quite the opposite! The following year, Al was invited to return to Florida to be a lead
teacher! It was an incredible honor for Al, but
unfortunately and to Al's dismay, he had to turn it down, but for the
best of reasons. Al had a new baby girl!
During the 2002-2003 school year Al heard from Salute to
Educator's Stepping into the Future grants. He was awarded $150 to purchase a
Snyder Decisions, Decisions CD-ROM simulation! He went ahead and
bought The
Environment simulation. It was great and the kids loved it. Since
Al was so busy with the National Board work, he only managed to write
one grant for the 2002-2003 school year. He applied for the Washington
Educators Association (WEA's) Innovative Educator Grant to purchase
more equipment for his 6th grade water quality project. He got it! By
the end of the 2002-2003 school year, he
was awarded $1500 to purchase another palm pilot and sensor interface,
and two more probes! Another
good year!
By the end of June 2003, Chimacum's science teachers were done with the
first year of their National Board for
Professional Teaching Standards process.
They needed to work on their portfolios for one more year! They spent
the entire 2002-2003 school year videotaping lessons and building their
portfolios and ended the year by taking their National Board assessment
tests at a testing center. While working on the National Board work, Al
also managed to work with fellow teachers on the Gates Foundation grant
staff development committee as part of the middle school's School
Improvement Team (SIT). Al taught a
class on enhancing instruction with best practices in teaching using
long-term projects integrating different technologies such as
PowerPoint. Al also taught a beginning Word class and web development
with Studio MX, featuring Dreamweaver MX, class in the 2002-03 school
The summer of 2003 might very well be best yet for Al. Al worked all of
August preparing a proposal for OSPI's Learn and
Serve America Washington grant. After working hard
for a month and a half on the iGrants website, Al got a three year grant for about $14,000 a year for
three full years totalling over $40,000!! These monies
greatly enhanced Chimacum Middle School's
water quality project! Read here
to see the plan for the grant. See Al's grant
history. Here is the Learn
and Serve website. And here is a link to Chimacum's
project description on Washington's OSPI site.
Besides enhancing his Water Quality project
with the first installment of his Learn
& Serve Grant Al had another great school year. For the
2003-2004 school year, Al enhanced his Computers 2 curricula due to the
purchase of a Studio MX site license
for the entire middle school. Al taught Web Design with Dreamweaver
(which incorporated Fireworks and Flash as well). Al was also trained
to teach a one quarter class of Student TECH CORPS, a
program designed to train students to do the tech work and
troubleshooting that schools desperately need. Chimacum School District
received a grant to train a teacher who could lead students through the
30 hour training they need to attain the certification. This was very
exciting and Al was the one to go. So far, nine
students received their Pre Professional Technology (PPT) certification
in 2003.
In 2004 while 16 students took the tests only one passed them all
successfully. While only that one student was certified in
2004, Al hopes that the other 15 will retest in 2005 and pass to get
their PPT certification. The original nine students
began to help Chimacum Middle School teachers solve their many,
everyday technology problems. By the 2004-05 school year, two of the
nine PPT Student Associates moved on to high school.
In August of 2004 Al had the opportunity
to participate in the North Cascades and Olympic
Science Partnership (NCOSP) at Western Washington University. Al
spent two weeks on the lovley university campus with science teachers
from all over Washington state learning how to best teach science. Al
was also exposed to a fantastic physcial
science unit for teachers to help teachers improve
their content knowledge to better teach students. It was a great
learning experience and Al also has the opportunity to take some days
off each month to meet with the other science teachers from the
partnership to continue their learning. NCOSP is a, "National Science Foundation (NSP)
funded project involving 26 school districts, two education service
districts, four community colleges, Washington State LASER, the Naval
Undersea Musem, Washington State MESA, and Western Washington
University. The project involves close interaction of the partners to
reform science education in grades 3-10 through teacher professional
development, implementation of new curriculum materials, and
development and support of learning communities in the schools. The
partnership will also focus on increasing the diversity of new teachers
and improving the science teacher preparation program in the higher
education institutions. This will be done through innovative
recruitment programs, the development and refinement of courses, and
carefully planned interactions between the colleges and school
As of November 19, 2004 Al is a National
Board Certified Teacher (NBCT) Early
Adolescent (ages 11-15) Generalist! Al received his
certification from the National
Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) after two years
of hard work putting together portfolios, collecting student work,
videotaping himself working with students, using student writing
samples to better help students, reflecting on his practices and taking
a battery of tests at a certified testing center for professionals.
This school year, 2004-05, Al continues to be part of the middle
school's School Improvement Team and also attends training as the
middle school implements the Connected
Mathematics Project. Al is relieved
to finally reach his goal of National Board certification while
continuing to be a contributing member of his school.
The 2004-05 year has proven challenging on many fronts. Luckily, Al has
finished the National
Board process because that year he barely had any time to work on
his professional development! He has fallen behind on his reading and
spends a lot of time at school. His
typical day finds him arriving at school anywhere from 6:45am to 7am
and he doesn't get home until after 6pm on some days and after 5pm on
most days! Having to learn and prepare the new CMP math program (visit the Math Section)
takes a lot of time, but so is preparing language
arts lessons and projects that help students improve
their reading and writing. Even though he has taught only science to 6th graders
for the last three years, preparing his science projects still takes
time and on top of that he has to prepare social
studies lessons and projects as well as coming up with
topics for his exploratory
after his class is done with Student
Tech Corps! The 6th grade team is planning to try a different model
for the 2005-06 school year to lessen their loads so they can do a
better job and be more efficient.
The next year, 2005,
brought many pleasant surprises. After four years of studying the water quality of Chimacum Creek
and working with the North Olympic
Salmon Coalition (NOSC) in their restoration work, Al finally found
other teachers who are doing similar projects at their school! This was
exciting because much of the $42,000 Learn & Serve grant that
Al procured for the water quality project is for outreach so that, like
real scientists, Chimacum students can share knowledge and data with
other students! Al's class participated in the 2005 Hood Canal Youth
Summit on June 2 where schools
testing water quality along the Hood Canal got together at Fort Flagler
to share what they did and what they learned. Al also
had the opportunity to share his water quality research with science
teachers who are participating in the NCOSP partnership. The science teachers met at least once a month
to learn new things and share ideas. Al also
participated in a lesson study with
science teachers from his area where they visited each
other's schools to watch each other conduct science lessons. They gave
each other feedback to improve student learning in their classes.
Because of this, Al piloted a Carolina Science and
Technology Concepts for Middle Schools (STC/MS) science kit and
conducted a lesson for his lesson study group.
Al has attended an NCOSP class on using essential questioning strategies
to best help students activate prior knowledge and get the most out of
their learning experiences. Al also attended a
class on using the science WASL to create small, WASL-like tests,
called WASLitos, to best prepare his 6th graders for
the 8th grade science WASL. Al took his water quality project and
created a WASLito for his students! His WASLito was based on an
earlier released WASL test item, the
Buggle Gum Scenario. Al continues to attend the great NCOSP trainings to become a
better science teacher. Al has been working with his district and
building administrators to improve the 6th grade science program. The
plan was to add the 6th grade to the district's Science FOSS kit cooperative. Al
met with another group of science teachers who have been working
diligently at seeing where the state
science Grade Level Expectations (GLE's) align to the FOSS kits. After getting to work
with two kits, Al learned from those teachers why FOSS probably wouldn't be the best
fit for Chimacum. The NCOSP
lesson study group Al is working with is studying their work with the Carolina STC/MS science
kits and those kits seem a better fit for Chimacum, so Al piloted one kit
and was hoping to get it purchased for the 6th grade for the 2005-06
school year. The school bought the kit so 6th graders are able to learn
physical science using the Energy, Machines, and Motion.
The 2004-05 school year
has been a good year for fun field trips. Every year begins with the
exciting week-long Camp Cispus
experience. Al's class also got to visit Chimacum Creek on campus
several times to test the water and set
traps for fish. This year, for the first time, 6th
graders got to help the creek by planting
trees and learning about the native plants and fish.
Students also got to experience the Ballard
Locks ice skating field trip. Students also get to
visit Canada each year
as part of our study of that country. Finally, students got to
participate in this year's Hood Canal Youth
Summit. The Americorps person who is part of the team bringing us
the Hood Canal
Youth Summit also visited Al's classroom to teach a class on macroinvertebrates.
What a fun year!
So far the 2005-06 school
year is looking like a great year. It has its challenges, but what year
doesn't? This year Al was teaching science,
social studies, and technology. This work load makes it
easier for Al to feel that he is doing a good job of helping his
students learn! During the 2005-06 school many fascinating things
happened. Check out this pictorial
summary of the 05-06 school year!
For the 2006-07 school
year Al will be teaching all the 6th
grade science classes again, but this time there are
only three classes due to declining enrollment. We don't have enough
kids to continue to have four classes of 20 students (as ideal as that
may be). Al will also teach one of
the three 7th grade science classes. The 7th and 8th grade science curriculum will be
earth science this year and Al will be attending his third and final NCOSP
summer academy in August with Brett Thomsen where they
will study earth science! Once they return from the academy they will
get together with Mr. DiPrete to plan the 7th and 8th grade curriculum!
Together the three science teachers created a good curriculum for the
7th and 8th grade students. Check out their Earth Science Website.
During the
school year the three science teachers got together with two of the 6th
grade math teachers to put together a proposal for HP's
Technology for Teaching grant and they found out in May of 2007
that they got it! They will implement their project
during the 2007-08 school year.
During the summer of 2007 Al and Brett attended a five day
NCOSP summer planning session to prepare a 3-day professional
development program for the five HP grant teachers. All five teachers attended the 3-day professional
development program along with their Principal and a Blue Heron science
teacher and some NCOSP TOSA's to plan their project and look at methods
for how students learn best. This was very rewarding.
For the 2007-08 school
year Al will be teaching all the 6th
grade science classes again and this time he will also be teaching two
7th grade science classes. This year the 7th and 8th graders will be learning life science
and Brett is leading the science team in creating a great life science
curriculum. The week before school started Chimacum staff were busy
getting ready for the new school year. Al
was fortunate enough to be able to help teach a Grant Writing course to
staff, and Al also taught a Blogging course and Using iMovie in the
Classroom course. During the grant writing course Al wrote a proposal for a hydroponics system and
got the grant! This will help support the 7th and 8th
grade Life Science program!
For the 2008-09 school
year Al taught two of the three 6th
grade Science classes so that he could teach all three of the 8th grade
Science classes.
Most of his 8th graders have been with Al since 6th grade making for a
great and smooth start to this school year. Al had a wonderful year
working with all his 6th and 8th grade students as they all did great
Science together. Al used the remaining funds from his Learn and Serve grant to improve his Water Quality
and all 6th graders participated in the project providing their yearly
service to Chimacum and Hood Canal watersheds plus to the fishing
industry by helping maintain a healthy creek. Eighth graders learned Earth Science
as they participated in excellent projects and labs. By the summer of
2009 Al had applied for three more grants. A Qwest grant an Amgen grant
and new Learn and Serve sustainable design grant. While Al did not
receive neither the Qwest or the Amgen grants, he was fortunate enough
to be awarded another Learn and Serve grant for the 2009-10 school year!
For the 2009-10 school
year Al will be able to provide even
more improvements to his water quality project with another $5,620 from
Learn and Serve! This year he taught all three 6th grade Science classes again and two
7/8 Earth Science classes.
This school year marked a change in the way Al learns. He found the
power of social networking. Al created a Twitter account to learn what
kids were getting into and found a growing network on educators using
Twitter and blogging to share information, resources and learning. From
other teachers Al decided to completely restructure the way he ran his
classroom. Al began blogging about his new learnings and wrote about
his changes here.
It was actually quite freeing to rethink traditional forms of teaching
that he took for granted and really weren't in the best interest of his
For the 2010-11 school
year Al's classes will be able to
take advantage of a 1:1 ratio of student to computer with another
$10,000 from Learn and Serve!
Students will be able to choose from one of the ten iMacs, 1 Dell
Desktop, 1 HP Tablet, 5 Dell Mini Netbooks, and/or 12 iPads. Quite
exciting and will make research, writing and blogging much easier. This
year he taught all three 6th grade
Science classes again and two 8th grade Life Science classes.
Chimacum's Science program also got a big boost this year as Al
requested and got an Earth Science STC kit for the 7th grade and a Life
Science Foss kit for the 8th grade. Al will also be working with the
Math/Scienc team from the middle and high school on a WA
STEM blogging and social networking project! This is really
exciting work they will be doing and they got $10,300 to do it!
For the 2011-12 school
year Al is busy working on his OMSP
work, WA STEM grant
work, blogging and
tweeting regularly, and providing
a great Science learning experience
for his students. To his dismay Learn & Serve took a big hit with
our hurting economy. The National Service Learning Association
cancelled Learn & Serve so we all lost our third year of funding!
Yes, Al was going to get another $10,000 this year but it was taken
away. Much of his equipment was slated for replacement this year but
now they will have to make due. The good news was that there is a
school group, the Friends of Chimacum
Schools Education Foundation, awarded Al $595
for a proposal he wrote to replace a broken water quality Vernier
LabQuest. So the project can continue as planned even with the loss of
this year's funds!
For the 2012-13 school
year Al is going to be working on renewing
his Early Adolescent Generalist National Board Certification!
In a couple of years his certification will expire so he's starting the
renewal process now. This year Al is continuing to make his Science
classes a
place for learning without worry
of punishments in the form of failing grades as well as
without the
expectation of reward for doing well in the form of
great grades or high scores or points. That way the focus will be on
learning Science with no fear of
In Science failure is a part of the learning process so why would
anyone punish kids for making mistakes by taking away points? It makes
no sense. Also this year Al will try to structure the learning in his class like a
computer game! Al read a book on gamification
that gave him ideas on how to do this to motivate even more of his
exciting news for the 2012-13 school year comes from the grant front.
Al wrote about six proposals for new grants to replace even more broken
and some older equipment. Of the six grants two
were approved! Al received $1,000
from the The
Washington Foundation for the Environment (WFFE) and $2,000
from the ING
Unsung Heroes! That will bring a few much
needed replacements to keep the water quality project going strong.
Al spent a great deal of time and effort working on renewing his
National Board certification and while he was at it he also submitted
an application for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Sciece
Teaching! Al did not move on with regards to the Presidential Award but
he did successfully renew his National Board Certification!
To start the 2013-14
school year Al secured two more grants! Al got $250 from WISE
to help his students learn about invasive
The $250 was in addition to some great curriculum to choose from to
help kids understand the issues facing our ecosystems. On top of that
Al got a technology grant
from CenturyLink
for $5,000!
This was a grant that Al had applied for twice before. Turns out they
had so many good applications they did an extended round to award the
next best applications. Both those grants will help extend his current
projects and bring even more technology and Science equipment into his
class to help students learn Science and maintain
a 1:1 student to device ratio!
To continue the work he
started during the 2012-13 school year on gamification,
Al has been working hard during the summer to prepare for an even
better game-based learning experience for his students. Learning from
what worked and what didn't work Al found a learning
platform called 3D
GameLab to turn his lessons, activities, and labs into quests! He
also read a book called ROLE
and together with his gaming approach Al will seek to create a
fantastic learning experience for all his students to help them take
charge of their own learning and thereby their education.
In May of 2014 Al was asked to lead a session at a CSTP National Board
Conference on Navigating
the Systems of STEM! It was a great experience for Al.
For the 2014-15 school year Al will continue to use 3D GameLab and a Results
Only Learning Environment (ROLE) to meet
the needs of all his students.
Al is going to add a story element to his gamfied 6th grade Science
course. This year Al will be teaching all three 6th grade Science
classes and two other 6th grade classes, a Peace4Kids
class for the first quarter and a literacy class using the WoW in
Schools curriculum
for the other three quarters to all 6th gradres. This is pretty
exciting. Al will miss having his 6th graders come back to him for 8th
grade Science but teaching 6th graders all day is pretty cool too.
During the summer of 2014 Al attended a four-day Train the Trainer conference on
Differentiation to Meet the CCSS
with the 7th grade Math Teacher. They will both train their fellow CMS
teachers by giving them great ideas from the conference on helping all
CMS students learn and succeed in school. Al also worked with the District Tech Committee
to provide training to Chimacum teachers so they can use technology to
transform the education of all our students. The tech team is working
to implement the tech
plan they crafted last year.
Another exciting thing happening this 2014-15 school year is that Al's
school was chosen for the WA
STEM Professional Development grant project. Al helped write a
proposal for a PD plan for all the
teachers in the middle school to use the protocols Al
has been using with his Science PLC
since working with NCOSP!
Exciting indeed!
November of 2014 Al was able to lead his session of Navigating
the Systems of STEM at another NBCT
Leadership Conference!
The 2014-15 school year was a great year and students got a lot farther
in Science using 3D GameLab as part of a gamified classroom. Al also
got to focus on literacy using the WoWinSchools curriculum where
students got to play World of Warcraft to immerse themselves in a story
rather than just read it. Attending sessions at the 2015 NCCE
conference on Game-Based Learning and Gamification Al learned that
gamification and gaming are fantastic ways to engage students in
learning and that World of Warcraft, which encourages reading, writing
and fan art, has high lexile levels of in-game reading! It was a blast
and students enjoyed participating in a story through gameplay versus
just reading about it.
the summer of 2015 Al kept himself busy with learning. He attended a Google Bootcamp training early in
the summer, participated in two weeks of learning as part of an Olympic STEM Pathways Partnership (OSPP),
was co-presenter at a WEA four-day
training called Innovate! Passion and Bravery in Teaching, Rethinking
STEM and Humanities, attended the Bremerton Summer Institute
where he also co-presented a session on
TPEP and Formative Assessment!
Al shared innovative use of apps to engage all learners and strategies
for gamification at the innovation training. While participating at the
OSPP partnership Al learned about oceanography, specifically ocean
2015-16 school year started off with Al ready to continue his gamified
Science instruction. Al will continue to tweak his Star Trek narrative
that he added as a story element to his gamified classroom last year to
make it even better this year. The middle school will continue their WA STEM Professional Development grant work
as a Year 2 school! In March Al also attended the NCCE 2016 conference to present a course on Using
3D GameLab to Gamify Your Course!
It was a great experience. Al was also able to attend a bunch of great
Science trainings with his school Science PLC thanks to the OSPP.
the 2016-17 school year Al started off with another busy summer! During
the last week of June Al attended a week of learning put on by the Olympic STEM Pathways
Partnership (OSPP), including a NASA
training! Al was also able to co-present again this summer the great
four-day training called Innovate! Passion and Bravery in Teaching,
Rethinking STEM and Humanities! Al also attended the Bremerton Summer Institute
and presented his Gamification 101 course on how to gamify using 3D
GameLab. Al was also asked to re-submit his 3D GameLab proposal for the
2017 NCCE Conference in Portand so he did! Since he's been working this
summer at becoming a Pear Deck Coach (Pear
Deck is a great tool that works with Google Slides to make
presentations truly interactive and engaging for students) so he submitted a proposal to present a session on
using Pear Deck as well! The 2016-17 schol year is
going to be another great year!
2017-18 school year looks to be a most exciting year! Al started off
another busy summer, very busy! The week after school let out Al led a
NASA funded summer camp sponsored by the Northwest Earth and Space Sciences Pipeline (NESSP)
right at his school in his room! The camp theme was robotics using the Lego Mindstorms EV3 and that was a perfect week
for Al because in the fall he will be teaching new curriculum to his
6th grade students using the Lego Mindstorms EV3
robot kits! From January to May 2017 Al worked with his districts
Science Subject Area Committee (SAC) to recommend curriculum for
adoption. The school board approved Al's recommendations in May for
using the EV3 kits in 6th grade and Activate
Learning's IQWST for 7th and 8th grade. Very exciting! And again
during the last week of June, Al attended his third summer week of
learning put on by the Olympic STEM Pathways Partnership (OSPP),
including a NASA training! Al also voluteered to become a WEA National Board Renewal Jump
Start Trainer! And this summer Al again attended
the Bremerton Summer
and presented two sessions, one on grant writing, and the other on
using Pear Deck since he became a Pear Deck coach! Al's Gamification
presentation was accepted for the
2017 NCCE Conference in Portand so he did it there! It seemed like
interest in that session was waning and very few actually used 3D
GameLab so it seemed time to retire that one.
ended his last year running another NESSP summer camp and it was another huge success.
That camp focused on Mission: Earth.
Students learned how to collect data on a local level to measure
different aspects of the hydrosphere, the atmosphere, and the
pedosphere of our planet. Over the summer Al was fortunate enough to
get to work with Tammie Schrader, the Science and Computer Science
coordinator for an east Washington ESD. Tammie and Al presented an NGSS workshop
and a Gamification workshop twice
for teachers sponsored by the WEA. It was so much fun to work with
teachers on Science and Gamification! For the 2018-19 school year Al
will work on the second year of teaching the STEM Robotics 101
curriculum with the Lego Mindstorms EV3 robots to his 6th graders and
the IQWST Science curriculum to this 8th graders. It will be nice to at
least have one year of experience with those two curricula! And thanks
to some funds donated to the Chimacum School District for Computer
Science, Al offered to teach a semester-long course for 7th and 8th
grade students using the Lego Mindstorms EV3 kits! New kits were bought
for that class, which will be offered twice using the STEM Robotics 102
giving kids the opportunity to learn Java! Kids can use the Java
programming language to make their EV3 do stuff! How cool is that?! Al
will also continue to expand his after school tech group, the ChimTech
group, by offering students a more structured course based on work done
by the amazing teacher, Steve Isaacs!
2019-20 school year brought lots of changes
to the Chimacum School District. Due to low enrollment the district
reconfigured to reallocate resources. The pre-K through grade 2 school
remained as the primary school, the elementary
school now includes grades 3 through 6, and grades 7 through 12 are now
the Jr and Sr High School.
That put Al in quite a pickle because either he would be able to
continue teaching 8th grade Science and 7/8 Robotics, as well as
continue working with the ChimTech group, or he would work with the 6th
grade STEM program. Plus, the high school is adding an eSports program
for Rocket League and Hearthstone! As much as he will miss working with
the older
kids and those amazing programs, Al preferred the
6th grade STEM Robotics 101 curriculum and the Ocean Guardian School
Environmental Stewardship Project so moving to Elementary was
his first choice. In the end, Al was placed in
the Elementary School and he will be teaching three classes of
6th grade STEM to continue STEM Robotics and Stewardship. It's all good!
During the 2018-19 school year Al and Tammie continued presenting their
NGSS and Gamification workshops for the WEA. Both were hugely
successful. And during
the summer of 2019, Al, Tammie, and Jeff presented their Innovation
Workshop once more and Al and Tammie presented the NGSS and
Gamification workshops twice more! So we will see what
adventures the 2019-20 school year will bring! Al has made the decision
to move all his assignments from Rezzly to Classcraft after six years
of using Rezzly as a gamification LMS, which should make 6th graders
happy because Classcraft is more fun for them. So with Classcraft as
the main LMS, starting the year off going to Camp Cispus, working with
the Lego Mindstorms EV3 robots and continuing the great tradition of
environmental stewardship the 2019-20 school year is shaping up to be
quite awesome.
The 2019-20 school year did get off to a great start. Al volunteered
himself to move to the elementary school and continue his amazing 6th
grade programs instead of movign up to the Jr Sr High School to work
with the 7th and 8th grade. The
district agreed and assigned Al to continue his work with the 6th grade
as the elementary school 6th grade Science/STEM teacher.
Along with Gretchen Berg teaching 6th grade Language Arts and Social
Studies, and Mitch Brennan teaching 6th grade Math, they modeled the
6th grade elementary program much like a 6th grade middle school
program. Everything was a huge success and the year was going so well
until COVID-19 shut everything down. For Al, switching to a
remote-only, online model of teaching was not a huge stretch seeing as
how his program was a blended-learning model. Blended-Learning models switch quite well to online-only
models of teaching. Al helped his district prepare for online
teaching and Chimacum Schools made the switch rather quickly so that
students would not lose much learning time. Even with the switch being
made quickly, and rather seemlessly for Al, students did not make the
switch well at all. Al wrote a series of blog posts weekly reflecting on
teaching during the pandemic completely online. Even if an online learning program is well designed and delivered by a competent educator, if the learners are
not willingly involved in the program, they will not do well. Unless families choose to have their children learn at home and online, students will struggle.
The 2020-21
school year started off with Chimacum Schools bringing students back in
a hybrid schedule. Small cohorts of students attended school
face-to-face, fully masked, and spread out in classrooms so they could
maintain six-feet distance bewteen each other. It was wonderful having
kids in class and the kids were so appreciative and well-behaved. Al
wasn't sure whether getting to come back to school or having nine to
twelve kids in a room, all spread out, or a combination of both is what
led to such well-behaved students but it didn't matter! What happened was similar to online learning - kids worked well when in-person at school but did little to
none of their school work when learning from home. So while more work was getting accomplished by students, it was nowhere near what was normall accomplished during
a regular school year. By late November, the numbers of COVID
cases started to rise in Al's county where they had been so low before
so the district made the decision to go back to fully remote, online
learning. That slowed student progress even more. After a fully remote, online winter quarter, we not only started the spring quarter with students back to in-person learning, but we brought them back for more time
in school. By the end of the year we were back to students attending school five full days a week!
In addition to all of the above, Al's colleagues nominated him for the
2021 NCCE Outstanding Technology Educator
of the Year and Al was selected!
Going into the 2021-22 school year was looking very promising as more and more teachers
teachers and students were getting vaccinated. Al was able to enjoy a relaxing summer with his family less stressed than the previous summer where he just
couldn't seem to do enough to prepare to meet the needs of all his students. Al was able to spend time with his wife and daughter as his daughter was getting
ready to start her freshman year at the University of Washington. Al caught up on TV shows and caught up on his reading.
Al also participated in some excellent workshops. As a As a participant Al joined the Games4Change
2021 Virtual Festival, the WeVideo Community Summit, What's Best For Kids Event, ScIC6 Science is Cool event, Inspire I2E's Clubs to Curriculum Minecraft
Camp, and most recently the Microsoft Minecraft Esports Teacher Academy. Those were fun so he didn't consider them "work." He even got to run in his first
face-to-face race since March of 2020, the Galloping Gertie Half Marathon over the Tacoma Narrows Bridge! It was SO nice to be able to run with other people
again (yay, vaccination!).
Al also joined a group of presenters from the Washington Education Association to help National Board Candidates renew their
certification, now called Maintenance of Certification (MoC). He co-presented a STEM in Sports workshop with fellow trainer, Tammie Schrader, and co-presented
at a Science Unconference, the ScIC6 Science is Cool Unconference, with Steve Isaacs a session called Fortnite in the Science Classroom where Al was able to
discuss the lesson he submitted for the Epic Games teacher contest! Everything was looking great, but with the new delta variant of the coronavirus the
school year was once again full of uncertainties and fear. For the 2021-22 school year Al is going to be teaching 6th grade Science as usual along with 6th grade
Math and he will have a group of 5th graders for 5th grade Math and Science, too. Very exciting on top of being scary after 14 years of not
having taught Math!
The 2021-2022 school year felt like an almost back to normal school year. Al's teaching partner and he shared the incoming class of 29 6th graders
and 12 5th graders. Al's partner taught them all English Language Arts (ELA) and Social Studies (SS) while Al taught them all Math and Science. Al again, for the 3rd year in a
row, coached a full year of Esports mostly playing competitive Capture the Wool (CTW) games on Minecraft through
CompMC. Al used the monies he got
from the Epic Games Contest to purchase two Nintendo Switches where kids played Mario Kart, Smash Bros Ultimate, and Rocket
League. Al also purchased four Oculus Quest 2's
where kids played some Echo VR and mostly Beat Saber. We were seeing kids in person, all of them, full time five days a week. All back to normal. Well, not quite. We
of course had to start the year fully masked all the time we were indoors because although vaccinations were happening, COVID not only continued to spread, it also mutated,
as viruses do. Something about returning to school full-time after being out learning remotely for an entire quarter in the spring of 2020 and a full school year of
hyrid with another full quarter of remote made the 21-22 school year hard.
I mean, really hard. Teachers all over the world reported working extra hard and experiencing fatigue like never before. A mass exodus has been happening with so many
teachers leaving the profession after all this pandemic teaching. And then there are the kids. All the trauma of a growing up in a global pandemic coupled with many
adults telling them they have "learning loss" and are falling behind has just been too much. In spite of all the challenges and working harder than ever, 21-22 was a really
good year.
Al got a LOT done. In addition to teaching Math again after 14 years of teaching mainly Science Al also found time to co-facilitate several
teacher training workshops for the WEA with his co-presentor Tammie Schrader including intro and advanced courses on gamification and game-based learning, an esports workshop,
and a Minecraft workshop. Al also ended up presenting three workshops at this year's (2022) NCCE conference on using
Pear Deck, esports, and Minecraft. And on top
of all that, and even after being selected as last year's NCCE Outstanding Technology Educator of the Year, Al
was awarded an EPA
Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Educators!
The 22-23 school year got off to a great start. Chimacum Elementary School's garden coordinators wrote an Ocean Guardian School grant and now that
Al's five year Ocean Guardian School's Environmental Stewardship Project reached the end of its grant cycle, the garden
team's proposal was accepted! Starting the 6th year of Ocean Guardian School, Year 5 of the grant, the garden program and creek study/restoration work will include all
of Chimacum Elementary's students in grades 3 through 6 making Chimacum Elementary School a full Ocean Guardian School!
The summer of 2023 was full of fun as well as learning and training! Al was invited to join the WEA's AI Taskforce who are putting together an AI Summit for January 2024 for WA state and Al worked with Tammie and Benjamin to develop an AI for the Classroom course for the WEA for the summer. Al also co-presented this summer the Gamification, Game-Based Learning (GBL), Esports, and Minecraft workshops that he and Tammie and Benjamin created and have been presenting! Al took a great Math workshop, got three AI in the Classroom books and took a couple of online courses, and got a couple of Adobe Creative Educator badges as well as a Curipod Educator badge!
Al renewed his National Board Certification in 2024, actually he was done the year before but the certification goes from 2024 to 2029 because renewal happens every five yers now.
During the summer of 2024, in preparation for the 2024-25 school year, Al continued to learn as much as he could about AI and using AI in school with his students. As part
of a group of inspiring EdTech educators, the EduGuardians, Al was able to continue his
learning. During the summer Al and his WEA team also presented their AI 12-hour workshop series twice along with their Essentials of Game-Based Learning and Gamification
workshops to hundred of WA state educators! All this preparation will help Al provide the most relevant education for his students.
Why does Al do all this? To sum it up, Al sees himself as truly a side-by-side learner with his students. His approach is constructivist letting the students
explore to learn and construct their own meaning out of the curriculum. Al is there to guide
his students through the use of minds-on and hands-on activities, labs,
and extended projects that end in the creation of meaningful products
for real audiences. Al is a 21st century
teacher embracing technology. Because of this, Al may begin a school
year as rules and regulations teacher, but always gravitates to his
comfort spot of confronting-contracting
with aspects of the relationship-listening style.
Al has learned that learning occurs best when students receive feedback
in the form of information and NOT as rewards and punishments. Rewards
and punishments may work short term but it do not help students in the
long term and if life-long learning is our goal then we want what works
best for the long haul.
Al's Mission Statement:
My mission is to help my students become independent, self-directed, lifelong learners. I plan to facilitate this process by helping my students enjoy learning.
I want my students to feel safe enough to take risks. My students will
be involved in
constructivist activities in the form of long-term, research projects
where they will have access to the latest technologies. Students will learn how to effectively work in cooperative groups and will be taught
strategies for problem solving and getting along.
Students will learn to use technology to work on their performance
tasks and students will be assessed often. Self and peer assessment as
well as information by the teacher will help students progress. By using different forms of assessment
and learning, all students, including special needs students and highly
capable students will be able to learn and succeed. To help students in all these endeavors, parents will be
included in all aspects of their child's education. Parent involvement is essential in
helping students become self-directed and lifelong learners. I will help keep parents informed about all that we are
In order to keep myself up to date and effective to fulfill my mission,
will continue to read the current research and to conduct my own
research to improve my program. I will collaborate with my colleagues
and I will continue to write grants to keep my classroom equipped. I plan to participate in curriculum development in my
building so that I can ensure that my classroom remains a 21st
century classroom.
His hobbies include:
- spending time with his
wife, Elizabeth, and his dog and cat.
- watching movies, at home,
with his wife,
- educational Technology and AI,
- sharing strategies and ideas with other educators
at conferences or online via the WEA.
- Playing games, computer
or Oculus Quest VR,
- reflecting by writing on
his blog,
- Checking social media for learnign and sharing,
- reading anything having
to do with Education,
- and writing grants!
Copyright 2025 Mr. Gonzalez.
This Page was created by Al Gonzalez.